Monthly Archives: July 2019


The Dems and the MSM are now saying they need to call Don McGahn to testify because he can give them what they need for obstruction. Let’s consider reality.

Their fantasies are based on the fact that McGahn told ‘Mueller’ that Trump told him to fire Mueller. So what? As Mueller admitted, Trump had the absolute constitutional authority to do so. Moreover, he had plenty of legitimate reasons to do so, given the numerous conflicts of interest by both Mueller and his partisan staff.

Also, McGahn didn’t do it and Trump didn’t follow up and make it happen. So what do they have? Some far fetched theory of attempted obstruction of justice into a crime that didn’t exist?

These idiots are clueless and desperate because they have nothing and their party stands for nothing but Trump bad. Trump should never have let his counsel be interviewed, and the fact that he did blows this bs out of the water.


Forgot one point. I would have loved to have seen a Republican ask, after some bloviating Dem declaring that no one was above the law and anyone else would have been prosecuted for allegedly destroying evidence and tampering with witnesses, does that include Hillary Clinton. After all she did just that!


First let me say that I stand by my prediction that Mueller would never testify. He may have been present but he certainly didn’t testify! He was awful and didn’t seem to know what was in ‘his’ report and said he couldn’t testify about a lot of stuff there was no legitimate reason he couldn’t. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I think he looked like he’s in early stages of dementia.

Now one thing I liked about the hearings today is the time limitations put on members. This is something they should always do. It forced members to ask specific questions instead of making speeches for sound bites. Of course it resulted in Dems just reading statements from the report and asking if Mueller agreed with ‘his’ report.

There were several times in the morning when Mueller clearly lied about not indicting Trump because of the OLC opinions that you can’t indict a sitting president. It was so blatantly false that he led off the afternoon by correcting his testimony and indicating that the OLC opinions did not affect his decision not to indict Trump for obstruction.

My favorite point today was when Congressman Ratcliffe, a Republican, pulled out the Federal criminal code and the Constitution and asked Mueller to point out where he or the AG have the power to exonerate anyone. Mueller sputtered because he didn’t have that authority and his putting in the report that he couldn’t exonerate Trump was obviously a partisan tactic to try to keep open the possibility of impeachment.

A couple of lines of questioning that were interesting. First, one Dem tried to suggest that you should not vote for Trump because if he got re-elected the Statute of Limitations would run out on his nonexistent crimes.

Another was Congesswoman Sewell from Alabama and pencil neck Schiff trumpeting the nonsense that if the Trump campaign received or was willing to receive dirt on the Hillary campaign from Russia it would be a violation of campaign finance laws. As I have previously stated, information has never been determined to be a thing of value under those statutes. It would be an unconstitutional infringement on freedom of speech. It is particularly humorous given that Hillary did just that. And watch Hannity tonight because I am certain that he will play the tape of pencil neck trying to get dirt on Trump from what he thought were Russians.

I also want to comment on Mueller’s bogus nonsense that he didn’t know of any biases in his staff. You could maybe believe he didn’t know in the beginning that his staff had blatant conflicts of interest. However, all he had to do was read the news and he would have known that they had major biases and conflicts and he did nothing to correct it. It is also important to know that he had Weissmann select his biased staff. The same Weissmann that was at Hillary’s ‘victory’ party.

The last thing I want to comment on is the fact that this is not Mueller’s report. He was picked as a figurehead to lend his supposed stellar, impeccable reputation to give the investigation credibility. (Ask the innocent people he knowingly put in prison to protect his snitch Whitey Bulger who actually committed the crimes and he knew it.) The reason he didn’t know anything about the report is because he had little to do with it. This was from the beginning Andrew Weissmann’s report with his previously disproved obstruction theory (9-0 in the Supreme Court). Mueller was just a figurehead!

And I’m watching the Five and Juan Williams is either playing his role or dumb as a stump.


This is a long overdue discussion that is now important because the Squad has now made it so.

First, let’s discuss race. When I grew up in prehistoric times, there were four races. Black, White, Yellow and Red. I believe they were Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and I’m not sure what the Native Americans were called. French is not a race, it’s a nationally. Hispanic is not a race, it’s a collection of nationalities. Indian Indians are or at least were Caucasian. I have no idea what they are now.

Now with the growth of the socialist sociologists, there are basically an infinite number of races. Just like we now have a virtually limitless number of genders. None of this is serious. It’s just a continuation of the lefts agenda to make all their constituents victims.

The reason I discuss this is to get to this whole women of color nonsense. We moved from Omaha to Tampa when I was 5. Segregation was still the law and something I had not encountered before. I vividly remember going to Publix and seeing drinking fountains designated colored and white. (Being the naive person that I am, I would use the colored fountain if the white was being used.) Same for bathrooms. Tampa had a large Cuban population then as it still does. I went to a Catholic school and a good percentage of my classmates were of Cuban descent. Let me assure you that the Cubans didn’t go into the colored bathrooms. And I guarantee you that AOC and Rashida Tlaib would not have gone there either. They would have never self identified as “colored “. Now they do for political purposes. Please tell me what color Tlaib is. She’s Palestinian. If she’s a person of color then so are all Jews and Greeks and Italians and North Africans. Hell every one is a person of color.

Kamala is not African American. He father is Jamaican and her mother is from India. And just so you know, everybody from Africa is not considered African American under the rules in this country. It only includes sub-Saharan Africa and dark skinned people. Egyptian, Libyan, Tunisian and Moroccan people are not considered African no matter how many centuries their ancestors lived in Africa. Likewise for whites from South Africa.

My point is this is all nonsense designed to increase the victim class in hopes it will help the clueless Dems.


Okay, I am sick and tired of hearing that this country is illegitimate because it was founded on slavery. And I am sick and tired of the right not calling out this total bs. Even Rush seems to say that yes we were but because of the civil war we are okay.

It is a total lie pushed by the socialist left to try to convince you that their incredibly stupid agenda is warranted because of our illegitimate past.

People, this country was not founded on slavery. Columbus did not come here so he could own slaves. He could own them in Italy, Portugal and Spain. (BTW he didn’t discover America. You can’t discover a place with millions of people already living there, anymore than I can discover a restaurant with lines waiting around the block.)

The Pilgrims didn’t land on Plymouth Rock with a bunch of slaves. They had none! They came here for religious freedom. They could have owned slaves in England. It was perfectly legal.

None of our founding fathers came so they could own slaves. They could all have owned them from wince they came. They came because they wanted to create a country based on the notion that all men are created equal. Slavery was the way of the world back then.

If this country is illegitimate then so is Puerto Rico where slavery was also legal until 1865, AOC whose mother is Puerto Rican and whose father was born to Puerto Rican immigrants in Brooklyn should resign immediately because of the illegitimacy of her ancestors.

Likewise, Kamala Harris should immediately resign because she has admitted that her ancestors owned slaves and thus her existence is illegitimate. Likewise the idiot calling himself ‘Beto’ O’Rourke because his family owned slaves. Similarly, Barrack Obama should denounce his presidency and it should be stricken from the books because he admitted that his family on his mother’s side owned slaves.

Listen I could go on covering every one of the Squad except for Pressley. The point is that this entire construct is complete nonsense. You cannot look at the world as it is today and claim anything from centuries ago is illegitimate if doesn’t conform to today’s standard.

I guess if the founders didn’t have electricity and running water and computers and smartphones and television and indoor plumbing then they were illegitimate.

Another canard put up by the idiots on the left is we’re also illegitimate because women didn’t have the right to vote at the founding of this nation. Please tell me where they did and then we’ll talk. Women in Puerto Rico got that right in 1919. Bye bye AOC. In England it was 1928. In France it was 1945. In Spain it was 1931. In Mexico it was 1953. And for the Muslim members of the Squad, most of those countries still don’t have it but they do allow throwing Rosie O’Donnell off the roof to her death because she’s a lesbian.

It’s time to stop cow towing to the left and call out their bullshit.

Next rant will be on women of color.


I have been meaning to write this for a while, but just haven’t got round to it. Also this is probably going to be a bit on the long side so pour a beverage of your choice and hunker down. While everything I’m going to say is accurate to the best I could determine, it’s a good thing I’m not on social media because I’m sure it would be banned. Enjoy and BTW some of what I’m going to say was said quite well by Diamond and Silk on Watter’s World a couple of weeks ago.

First and foremost, let me be clear — slavery is, always was and always will be wrong. But let’s also be clear that slavery has virtually always existed and is still rampant in parts of Africa and the Middle East. It’s in the Bible and the Koran. You can’t pretend otherwise.

Now let’s review the slave trade. Black African tribal leaders captured and enslaved blacks from other African tribes and then sold them to European slavers who then sold them all over including the Middle East and Europe — not just in the new world. So if we’re going to be really serious about reparations then we ought to start with the African countries who are responsible.

It’s also important to remember that slavery didn’t just exist in the US. It existed in virtually all of North, Central and South America, as well as the entire British empire.

Now before I get into the subject of the issue of the legitimacy of this country because of slavery, I first want you to consider the question of just why are we supposed to pay reparations. I know the knee jerk leftist response is because these folks who can trace their roots to African slaves brought to the US deserve money because their ancestors were slaves. But I want you to consider two bigger questions.

First, if your slave ancestors hadn’t been brought here would you even exist? There’s a really good chance that your ancestors would have died as slaves in Africa and you would never have been born, or if you were, you would be living in some third world country in Africa. Name the country in Africa that you would rather be living in instead of here. And before you make something up, remember that nothing is stopping you from moving there. There is a reason that millions of people in Africa are trying to get here and very few if any are trying to get there from here.

The second question I want you to consider is whether your ancestors were better off being brought over here or staying as slaves to another tribe in Africa? My guess, because no matter how I tried to phrase it every inquiry came back about how slaves were treated here, is that they were treated much better here than there. Clearly the standard of living was much better here than there and I suggest that it was better for slaves here than there.

Thus, the ultimate question becomes, why are you owed anything for being way better off than you could have ever hoped for if your ancestors hadn’t been brought here as slaves?

And just to keep reinforcing a favorite theme of mine, remember that all the people who are pushing for this are Dems. The party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow and the KKK. The party that opposed and filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. They are trying to make the rest of us pay for their sins.

Because this is longer than most of your attention spans, I will address the legitimacy of this country in my next rant.


I am watching Trump and he’s entertaining as always but the one thing that I am surprised about is that Trump’s people usually have better choices when seating people behind the president. Normally there are a broad spectrum of people and there are tonight also but I don’t see any blacks and you can bet that the MSM will use it to stoke their racist nonsense.


Listen, Trump should have been more careful in suggesting that they should go back to where they came from because as you well know three of them were born here. But what he said wasn’t racist in the least and is the equivalent of “America love it or leave it” which has been around since at least the Vietnam War on bumper stickers.

One of the benefits of living in a free country is that if you don’t like it you’re free to leave!

Now the real reason for this rant is because the Dems in the House plan to pass a resolution condemning Trump’s words as racist. These are the same idiots who couldn’t pass a resolution condemning anti-semitism. And lest you forget, just last week Nancy Pelosi, who is leading the charge today, was called a racist by Squad leader AOC. I don’t recall a resolution condemning her last week. Pelosi is clearly not in charge and just trying to cover for the socialist left to remain a figurehead.


Let’s get real about the nonsense of Megan Rapinoe that women in the soccer World Cup should get the same money as men in the World Cup. Here’s reality. The men generated over four billion in revenue and the women generated $78 million. We’re talking an order of magnitude. When you can produce a product that people want, you will get rewarded accordingly. Listen, in 2017 the US National women’s soccer team scrimmaged with a boys high school under 15 team, FC Dallas, they lost 5-2. I have seen reports that male coaches of women’s soccer teams have said that after boys reach 14, women’s professional soccer teams only get embarrassed by playing them. This is not sexist, just a recognition of the biological difference between men and women.