Monthly Archives: August 2020


I believe it was at the end of last week that the CDC put up on its website, without fanfare, a study that said 94% of the reported deaths from the whu flu were primarily from from other causes. This should come as no surprise to any of you. I have reported previously that Birx said they were going to count anyone who died with the whu flu as having died from the whu flu. And in many cases they weren’t even tested for the flu but just assumed to have it because they had a fever or runny nose or anything else that might be a symptom. As I have said before, people who died from gunshots were counted as whu flu deaths. Likewise motorcycle accidents and cancer and heart attacks or failure. This was all done by the left to destroy the country and the media whores to keep them in the limelight.

The thing that you should remember, as I have previously stated, this was entirely predictable. Remember, when Italy had horrendous numbers back in the beginning, it was because they used the same bullshit system Birx dictated. When they went back and actually reviewed the cases, they determined that only 12% of the deaths were actually from whu flu.


I saw today that 90% of positive tests for whu flu are actually negative. The amount of the whu flu is so low that the individuals have no symptoms and they can’t transmit it. The NYT reported it and also reported that contact tracing for these individuals would be a waste of time and then their solution was more testing because that is what the left wants to do to shut down the economy because they think it will help brain dead Biden.


TC sent me the link below and I suggest you watch it. Skip the first 45 seconds and then the good stuff starts. Apparently Biden’s awesome ‘Gettysburg Address’ like acceptance speech is the same one he gave 12 years ago in accepting the VP nomination. Why does he need to make the same empty promises? Could it be because he didn’t keep any of them? You figure it out.

It’s promises made and promises kept versus promises made and ignored.


I know that all of you have seen the video of these socialist paid thugs confronting Paul and his wife after the convention. However I expect most of you haven’t seen the video of them confronting Dan Bongino and his wife. Look it up it’s disgusting. The point of this rant is that Bongino confirmed that some of the so called protesters were staying in the same expensive hotel as he was. These people are Soros paid professional provocateurs not supposedly citizens who are concerned about what’s going on.


Ok you know I commented on everyday of the Dems convention. That was because I figured that any of you following my nonsense and who don’t suffer from insomnia didn’t watch it. Not only was it dark and divisive but was just a poorly produced procession of dinosaur Dem political hacks like the Clintons and the Obamas and, I keep walking into closed doors face first, Kerry.

Likewise, I assume most of you watched this week because it was fast moving, captivating and sincere. Their were no ponderous self important speeches. It was mostly real people who had overcome real obstacles and many with the help of Trump.

The difference in the production values was stunning and surprising since the Dems had Hollywood and Silicon Valley and all they could produce was something that would get a C in a middle school production. Contrast Biden accepting with a few streamers and a couple of balloons coming down and Trump with an awesome fireworks display over the Washington monument and an opera singer singing God Bless America, America the Beautiful, and Hallelujah!

Now in reflecting on it, it occurs to me that the difference was because Bill and Hillary and always snarky Barrack and Michelle and Kerry and Biden don’t have anyone they actually helped other than friends they funneled money to along with making themselves rich. I guess Joe could have found the preteen girls who rubbed his hairy legs or maybe Cornpop.

Trump could and did have real people with heart wrenching stories tell those stories and in many cases how Trump helped.

Here’s the real point that doesn’t get enough coverage. Trump was a billionaire when he ran. He doesn’t need any money from the federal government. Unlike Harry Reid who entered congress with a net worth of around $100,000 and left 35 years later without holding any other job worth $55 million or the Clintons who were pretty near broke and used pay to play with their bogus foundation to end worth at least $100 million. Or the Obamas who were community organizers and then he became a senator briefly and then president and after giving billions to his friends in Hollywood and Silicon Valley suddenly got at least $100 million for books and movies that no one will read or watch. And I don’t need to remind you how corrupt creepy joe is. That family has become rich by selling you out.

That’s what this is all really about. Do you want someone who is doing the job for you or someone who is only trying to line their pockets and those of their friends.

PS. I don’t think there will ever be another delegate straw hat nonsense convention. Trump has raised the bar way beyond what politicians could ever imagine. That’s another advantage of having an actual entertaining entrepreneur in the White House.


I don’t know if you saw today but yesterday Biden gave an interview to Andersen Cooper. Aside from getting totally confused between the police shooting in Kenosha and the 17year old kid who shot some rioters in what he claimed was self defense and it may have been. Like I always say wait for the facts, but I will mention that Len Wood, the attorney who got Nick Sandman multi million dollar settlements from CNN and WAPO, said he will represent him for free.

The thing that was most enlightening was that as pointed out on the internet if you watched carefully, Biden was reading his answers to supposedly unknown questions. Cooper should be ashamed and Biden is totally brain dead.


I just want to point out that like I said last year with a different storm that the numbers just don’t add up and appear to be used to hype their global warming agenda. First there was supposed to be 20 foot storm surge. It was less than half of that.

More importantly to me is the fake wind speed numbers. Supposedly Laura came ashore at Lake Charles, Louisiana with sustained winds of 150 mph. However I saw this morning that the highest recorded wind gust in Lake Charles was 137 mph. How can the sustained winds be higher than the highest gusts?


My apologies because I can’t find the article I read this morning on the bogus use of data to create the impression that the flu is spreading rapidly. And I really wanted to link to it so you could see what’s going on.

So I’ll just give you my cliff notes version. Suppose in week one you test 100 people and 10 test positive and then in week two you test 200 people and 20 test positive and in week three you test 300 people and 30 test positive. Now as you can see ten percent tested positive each week and you could report it that way or you could do what the fear mongering left does and just report the number of positive test without the appropriate context. Doing that would lead to a graph showing a steady increase in whu flu cases which you can use to falsely claim there is a second wave and it keeps getting worse so we have to keep you locked down.