Monthly Archives: March 2020


I filled out my census form today and a few things caught my attention. First, of course the citizen question was not there.

Next, when they wanted race I checked white but that wasn’t good enough. You have to put down your ethnic background or it won’t advance. So I put German since I’m 7/8ths German but as those of you who have followed my rantings know I don’t identify as anything but just plain American. I don’t understand why they have that on the census.

Lastly, I was pleasantly surprised when I got to the gender question and I had only two choices — male or female. Given these woke times, I expected all kinds of nonsense but they stuck to biological reality. Good for them. Actually I am quite surprised that I haven’t heard about a lawsuit challenging this.


Because I have one son who thinks that Rachel Maddow is the epitome of researched and objective reporting, he’s really out of touch with reality. Madcow said that when Trump said he would have the two navy hospital ships in New York and Los Angeles in a week that he was lying. Unfortunately for Rachel the idiot, he did it and I’m still waiting for that idiot to apologize.


The answer, I won’t make you guess, is that the doom and gloom in both cases is not based on science but on computer models. Contrary to what the left would have you believe, computer models are not hard science. They are someone’s attempt to model reality. Remember as I told you in the past, he who makes the model determines the outcome. In neither case is there an E=mc2 or an F=ma.

Remember that not a single leftist computer model has been right about global warming. Every prediction has been grossly wrong. And as I have pointed out before, the global warming crowd is not concerned about the environment but about bringing about a worldwide socialist government. And of equal importance, they are funded by the government, which during the Obama years, would not support any “research “ that didn’t conform to their desired results.

Now you ask, how does this relate to the Wuhan flu? Well let me tell you. Once again there is no hard science. Models about spreading and mortality are just guesses and the more outrageous your model is the more coverage you get from the MSM. Don’t believe me? Let’s look as Neil Ferguson, a supposedly expert in epidemiology. He’s the idiot from the Imperial something or other in London whose computer model predicted that 500,000 people in the UK and 2.2 million in the US would die from this virus. But that model was based on the assumption that we would all just kiss everyone we met and cough and sneeze on everyone we could. When he adjusted his model to reflect social distancing, the number in the UK went from 500,000 to 20,000. I’m not sure what the reduction in the US would be but if the ratio held the number would be 88,000. That would be at the high end of a normal flu season.

Now the MSM has hyped the first numbers, but they have not reported the correction. And let’s not forget we have done way more than social distancing. Most decisions by the federal, state and local governments have been made based on Ferguson’s incompetent first model.

More importantly, if you can make a simple change to your model and change it by a factor of 25, then your model is bullshit.

Lastly, to bring this home, all the doomsayers including Fauci, are getting lauded for championing worst case scenarios. The MSM loves anyone who predicts Armageddon. Just like with the bogus global warming nonsense, if you want to be a darling of the left, you have to say something that can hurt Trump and scare people.

One more thing, they have absolutely no idea of just how infectious or deadly this virus is. They are just guessing and destroying our economy in the process. We won’t know until after this passes on like the swine flu just what the real numbers were, and even then we won’t know because a majority of the people who get the virus will never know it and won’t be tested so we will never know how infectious or deadly this virus is.


Every year I am amazed at how quickly the change from winter to summer occurs. From November to a couple days ago, the leaves were gone and I could see a large area from my porch as those of you who have been here know. Then in a matter of days, the trees pop and I can’t see much on the ground. I’m not complaining but it always amazes me how quickly that change comes about. Now let me be clear that I love the fact that for the other half of the year I live in the trees.


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! People the sky is not falling. Your chances of getting the Wuhan Kung flu is infinitesimal, and if you do get it your odds of it being fatal are less than dying from the common flu. This entire nonsense was concocted by the left in the DNC and the MSM as a way to destroy the economy and take out Trump. Unfortunately for them, while it is hurting the economy, Trump’s ratings are increasing.

Here are some things you need to know about the real danger from the virus.

  1. Based on real data, the actual mortality rate for this virus is 0.05%. The common flu has a mortality rate of they 0.125%
  2. We are constantly being told that this virus is much more contagious than the common flu. Not true. Real numbers show that if you come in contact with an infected person you have a 1-5% chance of being infected. And if you have a member of your household that has the virus, you have a 10% chance of getting it. And I still haven’t heard of anyone from CPAC getting it from the one infected individual.. The President and the First Lady, as well as the Vice President and his wife have had numerous contacts with people infected with the virus and they have tested negative.
  3. You constantly hear that the mortality rate in Italy is very high. However what you don’t know is that the reason is not based on reality but on the way Italy has chosen to characterize deaths. If a person who has the virus dies it is counted as a Wuhan virus death irrespective if whether or not the real cause was heart disease or lung cancer. According to what I read today 70% of the Italian deaths attributed to the virus are actually due to other causes.
  4. Dr. Fauci is still a media whore. Before this no one in the public knew who he was and now he’s on TV 24/7. You know he’s getting off on the attention. And he has no reason to point out that it’s not potentially the end of the world.
  5. Trump has been blamed for the CDC not having all the ventilators etc needed for this event. As I said before, if he didn’t have them that means the O’Biden Bama administration didn’t do their job, and it came out today that during the swine flu in 2009 that a lot of the ventilators were dispatched and then contrary to the recommendations given never replaced. This is all on Obama.
  6. The economy is being destroyed because nobody has the balls to stand up and say bullshit. I understand that Trump is in a box because if he said what he knows is true he would be crucified. Hell he’s being crucified for doing more than anyone else would have done. Fox News to a person has drunk the cool aid and even most on Newsmax. The only people I know that talk reality are Howie Carr and Chris Salcedo.
  7. The destruction to the economy should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, on both sides of the aisle, parasites are trying to use this phony crisis to fund their pet projects.
  8. Lastly, our rights are being destroyed. I don’t know how under our constitution, that governors and mayors can force the closing of businesses and virtually entire cities and states. They don’t have that power. Don’t let it happen. Come November kick out the swamp scum..
  9. I almost forgot but the reason that China is reporting no new cases is because they have stopped testing.

There is a great article in by Roger Kimball explaining a lot of this today. I tried to put up the link but for some reason I couldn’t.


Trump has suggested that a drug that works on malaria appears to be effective for Wuhan Kung flu. The substance is quinine. In case you didn’t know, tonic water was created by the British as a way to get quinine into colonists in India and other subtropical areas where malaria was prevalent. Quinine powder was quite bitter and so tonic water and gin and tonic were born. So for the duration of this crisis I am switching from martinis to gin and tonic.


A few days ago DOJ dropped all charges brought by the Mueller team against Russians accused of interfering in the election by putting up ads on Facebook. So now there are no Russians left in the Russian collusion bs.

If you recall I said at the time a couple of years ago that this was all window dressing because they would never get the accused Russians here to actually try them. It was done because they thought they could rack up some wins on paper. Then I told you when one company, Concord Management or something, showed up to defend itself that the case would eventually be dropped because the Mueller crooks would never turn over the required materials in discovery because it would show it was all a scam they would get away with unchallenged.

Thus there is nothing to show for our $35 million other a few very questionable process crimes which may well get tossed out.


Listen I can’t take anymore of this bullshit. I am not watching anymore of the bs that passes for news on this virus. So I am not going to deal with it anymore unless something truly remarkable happens.

Just for perspective, I have already told you about the gross disparity between this virus and the the deaths that occur every year from the common flu. The common flu kills between 30,000 and 80,000 people every year. So far Wuhan is less than 100. Every year many NBA PGA NHL MLB and NCAA March Madness players have the flu — not to mention the hundreds or thousands of fans who also have it. Nothing is cancelled!

For some perspective let’s consider that every day between 2 1/2 and 3 times more people die in auto accidents than have died in the past three months from Wuhan. The daily numbers are even greater for obesity and diabetes. And similar for lung cancer.

So let’s be real. This has nothing to do with this virus. And by the way, although they keep spouting the bs that Wuhan is much more contagious, they have nothing to back up that claim.

This is all about trying to take down Trump by harming the economy. Unfortunately Trump is playing into their hysteria because to do otherwise would make him seem out of touch.

Ask yourself what we would be doing if Obama was still president? The answer is that life would continue as usual without all the cancellations and other bs.

The good news is that when in the next few weeks it becomes clear that this was one the sky is falling hoax, the economy will come roaring back and I don’t know where I am sleepy joe will be eviscerated in debates and the election.

So I’m not going to comment on this bs anymore unless something worthy of comment happens. I just can’t watch it anymore.

Will comment on other things that deserve comment.


I think Dr. Fauci has become part of the problem. Apparently he’s now another media whore. He keeps going on the air with much grimmer predictions about potential deaths, and never has a firm provable basis. And on top of it, he is trying to shut down the country for a month or more. That’s ridiculous!

As I’ve said, this whole thing is being overblown way out of proportion. Below you will find a link to an excellent article which includes a clip of George Carlin that is very pertinent. Enjoy.


Trump’s Wuhan virus test came back negative and you know all the Dems and the left are devastated. They know they can’t beat him and were silently praying that the virus would kill him. On another note, he has been in contact with several individuals who tested positive. Thus as I said, the supposed super infectious nature of this virus is not based on reality. It is part of the attempt to use this to take down Trump. People just go on with your life as you do every flu season.