Monthly Archives: July 2023


I promise you that this will be about mussels, which I love. But first I just watched most of the Trump rally in Eerie Pennsylvania. He actually talked from 6 to 7:40 or so and I didn’t know about it until around 6:30 and watched the rest. Now again I didn’t see the beginning which I’m sure covered the DOJ persecution but the rest was on point talking about what he did before and how he will do it again. There was the perfect mixture of lightheartedness and deadly seriousness. I think he’s finally gotten away from 2020, unless it was in the first thirty minutes, and focused on 2024. If he stays on message he will win.

Now as I’m sure you know Abbot is putting a floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande to protect Texas’ border from illegal immigration. Magoo and his morons are suing to stop him claiming that he didn’t get permission from them or something. Now if and when the case makes it to the Supremes, I believe that Texas will prevail because under the Constitution they have the right to protect their borders if the feds aren’t doing it. And I think Magoo and the morons think so also.

They are now trying to fast track some regulations that would declare the section of the river where the buoys are a protected space for a couple of endangered freshwater mussels species. First I have never eaten a freshwater mussel and could care less about them. I am sick and tired of the left environmental wackos trying to stop progress because some creature no one ever heard of might be affected.

Second, mussels are filter feeders like oysters and clams and scallops. They attach themselves to a rock or something similar and then just filter. If you’ve ever seen videos of oyster farming, they put rods in the water and the oysters attach themselves and when they are grown they pull up the rods and harvest the oysters. They don’t swim around and so buoys would have no negative impact. In fact I think they might have a positive impact. My guess is that in two or three years mussels would be attaching themselves to the buoys and prospering. Think barnacles.

Just more desperation from these idiots.


I was listening to him today and he had an interesting take on what’s going to happen. His take is that Magoo will withdraw from the presidential race and then pardon Hunter and all the rest of the Magoo mafia, including himself because if he’s not running, what are you going to do about it? He’s a lame duck and can give a big fu to all of us and sail away into lala land, where he already resides, without a care in the world and with potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in ill gotten gains.

I think that’s a likely scenario. I know KJP said otherwise today, but when has she ever told the truth.

Think about it. The Dems don’t want Magoo and this would give them another chance to have their cake and eat it too.


Today marks the day that this planet has been forced to endure my stupidity for three quarters of a century. Yes I have now been dumbing down the planet for 75 years And guess what? I intend to keep doing it. I don’t know if I can complete the last quarter but am pretty sure I can make it to 90. With medical advances, who knows where it goes but one thing is for sure. I’ll continue to rant nonsense until I lose my mental acuity.


NO DEAL!!! Thank goodness. I wasn’t going to rant because I think the information is out there but changed my mind because I think many of you didn’t see everything that was put up.

But first, once again HFJ showed his bias on the Five. He claimed that today proved there is no two tiered system of justice. I have previously dealt with this nonsense and so won’t comment on that further. Just because one Dem was charged, because they had no choice, and then got the ultimate sweetheart deal, doesn’t mean that Dems aren’t treated differently than republicans.

Now there are two things I want to address that you may not have understood. One was the reason that the plea blew up in DOJ’s face. And I’m not claiming prescience. Turley addressed it earlier today. He said that they hoisted themselves on their own petard. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to sweep the whole thing under the carpet but the judge asked a few obvious questions and the whole thing blew up. They couldn’t say that they weren’t still investigating Hunter because if they did, then their obfuscation dodge from Congress that they couldn’t provide documents and information to the House by claiming they couldn’t provide information about an ongoing investigation. But they also couldn’t go forward with a deal that left Hunter vulnerable. They were ill prepared to actually explain their duplicity.

And the other thing that struck me is that the judge said that the pre trial diversion for Hunter’s gun charges raised constitutional issues. Now I was riding in my car when I heard that and it kind of stifled me. Diversion is not unusual and frequently happens in drug cases where the defendant agrees to go into a treatment program and stay drug free for a series of years.

Now what I didn’t know, and nobody else did either because the plea agreement was not disclosed and still hasn’t been disclosed. But it is now known that the plea agreement raises serious separation of powers concerns. Under the agreement, if the crack head strayed then it was up to the judge to decide whether or not to prosecute him. That is not the function of the judiciary. It is the function of the executive branch but again they want to have their cake and eat it too. They didn’t want to be responsible for making the decision to prosecute Magoo junior.


No this is not an add on to my earlier rant and before I get started let me say I’m not going to be ranting about Devon Archer until he’s at least deposed under oath by the House.

I’m talking about people wanting a special counsel to be appointed to investigate the Magoo mafia. Some followers have suggested this as have Ingraham and Levin and others who should know better. As long as Magoo and Garland are in office, any special counsel they name will be only special in his or her dedication to protecting Magoo at all costs.


I was going to do a rant on Devon Archer tonight but for reasons I will explain tomorrow I decided to wait. So this quickie is about something Tarlov said on the Five which contradicted what I heard on the radio today.

In trying to bolster the left’s claim that the new Florida black history curriculum says slaves benefited from slavery, she took issue with the black black history professor who is descended from slaves about a slave who she said was actually a captain in the Northern Navy during the Civil War.

Now here’s what I heard on the radio today. He was a slave who learned to captain a boat while a slave and then snuck his family and friends onto a boat and sailed it into northern waters and surrendered to the North. The skills he learned were so valuable that he became the captain of a northern ship and fought against the south.

Seems like standard left practice of only telling a part of a story that fits their narrative.

So here’s the point. The black historian will be on Jesse tonight and will set the record straight.