I promise you that this will be about mussels, which I love. But first I just watched most of the Trump rally in Eerie Pennsylvania. He actually talked from 6 to 7:40 or so and I didn’t know about it until around 6:30 and watched the rest. Now again I didn’t see the beginning which I’m sure covered the DOJ persecution but the rest was on point talking about what he did before and how he will do it again. There was the perfect mixture of lightheartedness and deadly seriousness. I think he’s finally gotten away from 2020, unless it was in the first thirty minutes, and focused on 2024. If he stays on message he will win.

Now as I’m sure you know Abbot is putting a floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande to protect Texas’ border from illegal immigration. Magoo and his morons are suing to stop him claiming that he didn’t get permission from them or something. Now if and when the case makes it to the Supremes, I believe that Texas will prevail because under the Constitution they have the right to protect their borders if the feds aren’t doing it. And I think Magoo and the morons think so also.

They are now trying to fast track some regulations that would declare the section of the river where the buoys are a protected space for a couple of endangered freshwater mussels species. First I have never eaten a freshwater mussel and could care less about them. I am sick and tired of the left environmental wackos trying to stop progress because some creature no one ever heard of might be affected.

Second, mussels are filter feeders like oysters and clams and scallops. They attach themselves to a rock or something similar and then just filter. If you’ve ever seen videos of oyster farming, they put rods in the water and the oysters attach themselves and when they are grown they pull up the rods and harvest the oysters. They don’t swim around and so buoys would have no negative impact. In fact I think they might have a positive impact. My guess is that in two or three years mussels would be attaching themselves to the buoys and prospering. Think barnacles.

Just more desperation from these idiots.