Monthly Archives: February 2021


The question that keeps being put forward is can Rush be replaced. This is actually two different questions. Could anyone have done what Rush did and secondly can anyone replace him now.

The answer to the first is no. Rush was a person who had a vision that no one else did and he used it to basically invent conservative talk radio. All the present conservative talk radio hosts owe their livelihood to Rush. He invented the format they all follow and owe him for their success.

Now with respect to the second question, which some of you will disagree with, there are several people who are better than Rush was over the past few years and Rush should take pride in the fact that he empowered them to do so. Listen we all loose a step or two as we age and in his case when suffering from stage four cancer.

One thing I learned over the past few years doing my blog is that as I read more and more sites each day is that Rush didn’t do investigative reporting, he reported what other people had reported and in many cases what he said was stuff I had seen days before. And in some cases he got it wrong.

I personally preferred his quest hosts over the past couple of years because they frequently brought things I didn’t know. Rush seldom did. He just reported things I already knew.

Again this is not to knock Rush. He inspired his followers and they surpassed him in the end and I’m sure he appreciated it. Every icon knows and hopes that they will inspire someone to surpass them.

Ok so here’s my list of people who are better now than Rush was for the past several years. Mark Levin, Mark Steyn, Ken Matthews, Todd Herman and Chris Plante. They all could take over for Rush and do a better job than he has in the past couple of years. And Rush should be proud that he inspired them.

And one last thing, I appreciate that his widow wants to keep the EIB going because it’s a cash cow but the best of Rush ain’t cutting it. I have had to switch to other inferior channels because they are not covering what’s actually going on.


Before I get to the subject of today’s rant, I want to clear up something from my previous rant. No one has commented or complained but I want to make clear that I was not knocking Howard University. I lived in the DC area and it is a very good school. My point was that you wouldn’t chose it over an excellent left coast school if you could get into one.

Now today I saw that the Boston public school system is planning to end AP courses because they are not diverse enough and basically racist. Apparently anything based on actual merit is racist.

This is stupid on at least two levels. First, it removes incentives to study and excel in school and second it deprives smart kids and their parents from saving money on college.

Now most of you grew up before there was such a thing as Advanced Placement courses in High School. There maybe one reader I know who might have because she’s considerably younger than me. But AP courses allow kids to get college credits in high school and this can be a significant monetary saving.

Now so you understand what I’m talking about, my daughter entered Tulane with 30 credits from AP courses and so she effectively entered as a sophomore eliminating one year of college. ( It also had another benefit because when we got down to New Orleans and unloaded everything, we went to the campus police to get her a sticker to park her car on campus and were told freshman couldn’t do it and after a short discussion and proof she had 30 credits she got the permit. )

Parents of bright children are being forced to pay more for college because apparently it’s racist to do otherwise. People, dumbing down our education system benefits no one and perpetuates the lefts belief that children of color are intellectually inferior and must be protected from having to do the work.

More charter schools and decent inner city education is what is needed not more woke bullshit from teacher unions.


Ok I didn’t do this because I didn’t know until today how stupid Kamala is. The reason I looked it up is because one of my sons thinks she is a genius. We don’t speak often because he has TDS. Anyway I looked up Kamala and it turns out she was even dumber than I thought. Kamala went to undergrad at Howard and then went to UC Hastings. First no one from San Francisco would ever go to Howard if they could get into a decent California university and believe me I know because of what a professor from California told me when elite law firms told me after I went to California to see if I could get a job. I had the grades and the Order of the Coif and the executive editor of the law review and they gave me an interview and a lunch but they were never going to hire anyone from anywhere other than the left coast if you didn’t go to Harvard, Yale or Duke. That’s what the professor told me.

Now let’s look at what I learned today about Kamala. She went to undergrad at Howard and then went to law school at UC Hastings. However she didn’t get in the normal way. She got in under the Legal Education Opportunity Program which basically was a program which admitted unqualified minorities who didn’t have the grades or LSAT scores required for white kids. And they were provided mentors to make sure they got through. Kamala is a mental midget and she will soon be president because Joe is senile.

BTW he also didn’t know about the video from the State Farm Center in Atlanta, which tells you that the left doesn’t report news that proves their bs false


Forgive me if I screw up something in this rant because this is the most personal rant that I’ve ever done. I have an almost three year old grandson and I am concerned for his education because I don’t know where he can actually get a solid education. Certainly not the socialist public schools and now I fear even in catholic schools because the pope is a socialist idiot. He really has no idea what he’s talking about. Sorry to all you Catholics but I’m dealing with reality. I went to catholic school as did my children for at least part of their education. Now I fear that the catholic schools are just an extension of the the state schools.

The real concern is that government schools are becoming more and more woke and getting further away from education into straight up socialist indoctrination. Consider in one state, and I don’t recall now if it is Washington or Oregon, children in grade school including kindergarten start each day reciting not the pledge of allegiance but some bullshit about acknowledging that they stand on stolen land and have privileges they don’t deserve. This should be criminal!

Now in Oregon they are introducing ethnomathematics. What is that you ask? Essentially it is the belief that black kids are inferior to white kids and therefore they have to change mathematics from a hard science to a social science. Getting the right answer is racist and so is showing your work. It’s all white supremacy! And the teachers are all racist for not recognizing that. I am sorry people but 2+2=4 is a fact pure and simple. It is not subject to debate and it is not racist. As I heard someone say recently, black African nations would never do this bullshit. They know hard science is hard science.

As Tucker and his guest pointed out the other night, this is the soft bigotry of low expectations —meaning you’re the racist because you don’t think black kids are smart enough to do the work.

People, we need to bring back real education, not the bs 1619 project but the 1776 project. But I don’t see that happening and as I’ll discuss below, I have serious questions about what would happen if my grandson actually got a real education.

Now I want to point out something that Powerline put up yesterday about Yale law school. Apparently the Yale law review is being attacked for being a meritocracy. First that’s what a law review is. You strive to do well so that you can get on law review which is an honor that follows you throughout your career. When I was in law school at UF there were two ways to get on law review. The first and most important was grades. I can’t remember now if it was after the first or second semester and I can’t recall if it was the top ten or the top ten percent, given that the class was 125 it’s pretty much the same thing, were invited to join the law review. These were the folks who became editors and I was one. Subsequently, anyone could write their way onto the law review and several did and many others could have. If you wanted to write your way on, a law review member was assigned to review and edit your work to help you. I mentored a friend and he got on because as some of you know, I’m a pretty good editor.

Now back to Yale. It turns out that blacks and Hispanics were already over represented on the law review compared to their numbers in the law school population. So I have no idea what the supposed problem was. However, the one thing I learned is apparently if you get admitted to Yale law you can’t flunk. The only two grades are honors or pass. Obviously the students are so bright they cannot fail. This explains the Cuomos and the Bushes.

Now to wrap this up, I want to bring up something I did a while ago. If my grandson was homeschooled and taught real science and math and history would he be able to pass college admission exams, although they appear to being gradually eliminated as racist, because he would know real things and the exams would expect woke bullshit instead of reality?

PS Also the Clintons!


The Biden administration is doing everything it can to put the nation in danger from our geopolitical enemies by undermining our military and turning it into some pc re-education project. First there was the stand down order from the new defense Secretary to weed out unwoke personnel. Now the navy is considering a new oath for all sailors. I tried to just cut out the proposed oath but couldn’t so here’s newt Gingrich on the issue.

Now in my view the purpose of our military is to protect us. I don’t personally care if a soldier likes the KKK or BLM and antifa as long as they do their job.

Victor Davis Hanson has an article out today explaining that Biden may be unwittingly pushing us toward war. You can look it up. It’s on several sites. But his basic premise is that our enemies like China, North Korea and Iran will look at the dismantling of our military as an opportunity to prevoke us with aggression that Biden will not respond to.

Let’s contrast that with Trump. North Korea was pounding on its chest and threatening to nuke the west coast and Trump made it clear any such attempt would result in the annihilation of North Korea and Kim cooled down because he knew that Trump would do it. China acted up in the South China Sea and Trump sent a fleet through to make clear that we don’t accept their bogus claims. And they didn’t do anything to assert control over the sea lanes.

During Obama and Kerry, Iran continuously harassed our navy and even took our sailors prisoners in international waters and they did nothing. They tried that with Trump and he gave our navy the right to shoot back and then took out soleimani. Does anyone think that Biden is strong enough to do that. No this bumbling idiot will get us into a war because someone will attack his weakness and then he will be forced to do something that his Clinton warmongering buddies will cheer.


I must confess my surprise when I learned tonight on the Gutfeld show that Tyrus was a Shakespearean actor. I knew he was very intelligent but had no idea he ever was a Shakespearean actor or that he was fluent in Shakespeare. I was blown away by his knowledge of Shakespeare!

Now for all of you who may not know, Shakespeare wrote his plays for and were performed for the common people. It was only later that they were considered high brow.


What occurred to me with the Texas debacle is that it is symptomatic of all the global warming bs. It was said that the temperature and ice was unprecedented since it hadn’t happened since I think 1949. 70 plus years is not unprecedented, it’s precedented! It’s relatively speaking normal. Try to imagine how many times in the past 2000 years that similar things happened.

Now remember what I have said many times, the entire global warming nonsense is based on temperature data since 1970. Remember that back then they were saying that we were heading for an ice age because after the hot period of the 1930’s, which were hotter than anything now, the temperature was cooling. So they use the cooling to claim that we need to measure global warming from the low point in the seventies. They don’t look at the actual history because it destroys their narrative that they want to use to impose socialism on us. Wake up!


Just a personal observation, but I am surprised that Texas was not prepared for cold temperature and ice storms. We had a regional office in Arlington Texas and probably between 25 to 30 years ago I had to go down for some reason I don’t recall but it was a short trip. Fly down one afternoon and then do whatever it was the next day and then fly back the following morning. At any rate, and I believe it was in February, I left cold weather in Maryland and when we got to Texas it was 80. The next day a cold front came through and the temperature dropped abruptly into the 20’s and an ice storm hit that night which put about two inches of ice on my car which had to be chipped off to drive to the airport and fortunately we got out on one of the few flights that got out. So I am surprised that they were unprepared because I doubt that I experienced an unprecedented occurrence. I think they happen relatively frequently. So I’m guessing corners were cut, particularly with wind power to try to make it look like it was a cheap alternative.