Before I get to the subject of today’s rant, I want to clear up something from my previous rant. No one has commented or complained but I want to make clear that I was not knocking Howard University. I lived in the DC area and it is a very good school. My point was that you wouldn’t chose it over an excellent left coast school if you could get into one.

Now today I saw that the Boston public school system is planning to end AP courses because they are not diverse enough and basically racist. Apparently anything based on actual merit is racist.

This is stupid on at least two levels. First, it removes incentives to study and excel in school and second it deprives smart kids and their parents from saving money on college.

Now most of you grew up before there was such a thing as Advanced Placement courses in High School. There maybe one reader I know who might have because she’s considerably younger than me. But AP courses allow kids to get college credits in high school and this can be a significant monetary saving.

Now so you understand what I’m talking about, my daughter entered Tulane with 30 credits from AP courses and so she effectively entered as a sophomore eliminating one year of college. ( It also had another benefit because when we got down to New Orleans and unloaded everything, we went to the campus police to get her a sticker to park her car on campus and were told freshman couldn’t do it and after a short discussion and proof she had 30 credits she got the permit. )

Parents of bright children are being forced to pay more for college because apparently it’s racist to do otherwise. People, dumbing down our education system benefits no one and perpetuates the lefts belief that children of color are intellectually inferior and must be protected from having to do the work.

More charter schools and decent inner city education is what is needed not more woke bullshit from teacher unions.