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As I’m sure you saw yesterday, there was a video of a guy catching and removing an alligator. Tyrus commented and if I heard correctly, he said he had wrestled gators before and probably illegally owned a few.

Now having grown up in Florida and being a Gator myself, I thought I would share three things that you may not know about gators. First and surprisingly they are very fast and can outrun a lot of us. They can run at 20-30 mph. Fortunately, they don’t have great stamina and can only last maybe twenty to thirty yards.

Secondly, they can really only run in a straight line. They aren’t worth a damn at turning so just zigzag and laugh. Oh and here’s a point that isn’t in my three. Their tails are extremely delicious and dangerous. They can break your leg if they hit it with their tail.

And now the last thing that I didn’t see mentioned yesterday pertains to the musculature of their mouths. They have tremendous bite strength but they have little strength in opening their mouth. You can literally hold their mouths shut with two fingers. I have seen it done.

I’m pretty sure I’ll have some good stuff tomorrow.


I had planned to write something on the opening statements today but they weren’t televised. So I don’t really have much to say. There are a few basic problems with Bragg’s case that he can’t make go away. Bragg has no authority to prosecute a federal crime! But he is trying to because without the federal law (and we still don’t know what federal law is being used — which should result in the case being thrown out. I have no idea how this case can proceed without the defendant being apprised of the exact charges against him. ) it is a misdemeanor in New York and the statute of limitations has expired.

And the one that really baffles me that the specific acts he is being charged with committing — the payments to Cohen — took place after the election. How can something that you do after an election get you charged with interfering in an election that is already over. You influence my vote after I voted!


As you know I watch American Idol and tonight he was the mentor for the contestants who had to sing Rock and Roll Hall of Fame numbers. I personally think that he was the best mentor I have ever seen on the show. Most of them suggest note changes and the like but he is the only one who suggested how to perform better in terms of emotion and connection with the lyrics exclusively. He made them all better performers. I enjoyed it immensely.

I have not been commenting about the hush money trial because anything I could say is all over the place. However, I plan to watch the opening statements tomorrow and if I can stomach doing so, I will give you my take tomorrow.


I saw something today that gave me some concerns. And it’s just the type of thing I expected as the ‘October surprise’. It’s a little early but actually it needs to be because if it is tried later, they won’t have time to perfect it.

So what is the thing that concerns me? Magoo is being pushed hard, no doubt because he’s just plain awful campaigning, and is bleeding support from most traditional Dem strongholds, to declare a climate emergency!

Think covid on steroids changing all kinds of things by executive fiat and most concerning is that they will try to change voting laws and procedures illegally. They need to declare an emergency now because after the last fiasco, they can’t get away with it because it will be immediately challenged. The republicans are ready this time so they will need time to actually change the laws in their states.

I take some solace from the fact that it’s unlikely to help Magoo’s campaign. Everyone who has succumbed to the climate cult is voting for him now and the rest are not going disregard the economy and the border and crime for something that they have not seen to have any effect on their lives. In fact I think there is a greater chance that the great inconvenience that would occur may well lead to some who are on the fence to become solid Trump voters. So keep the faith but keep an eye out for this scam.


This is strictly a local issue but it might give you some insight that might apply to your elections.

If you remember I said that you shouldn’t vote for Daughtry in 2022 because she kept changing her bio. This time around she’s gotten even worse and more desperate. She’s running ads claiming that Knott was a lawyer in DOJ and therefore was a Magoo lawyer. That is total nonsense.

He like most swamp creatures was not a Magoo appointment. He was in DOJ when Trump was president. Does that make him a Trump lawyer? No! He was just a part of the swamp as I was. By her logic that would make me a lawyer for many presidents although I wasn’t.

Normal ads making bogus claims about their past or their opponents past don’t bother me, but just total false bs does bother me.

BTW Trump has endorsed Knott.

My favorite bs campaign add came out of Florida, the panhandle I believe, and it went to court. I’m to lazy to look up the name of senator but he put out an add saying that his opponent’s daughter was a well known thespian in New York, figuring that the people would conflate lesbian with thespian.


This is sort of an apology to the woman who held the scoring record before Caitlin. She said that Caitlin didn’t really own the record she did, and many in the press said that she couldn’t stand for a white girl, and they are still saying it but I’m not and the reason is because she explained her issues. Her name is Plum I think but the points she made that changed my mind are two. First when she played there was no 3 point line in women’s basketball. I believe that Caitlin scored over 500 3 point shots in her career and if took 500 points off her total, she wouldn’t have the highest total. And secondly back in her day women used the men’s basketball. Apparently the women now use a slightly smaller and lighter ball. So I do agree that we’re talking apples and oranges. Hell back in my high school days, the girls played with six on each team and two played in one half court and two played in the other half court and they couldn’t stray from their halves. The other two could roam the full court and if I remember correctly they were limited in how many dribbles they could take before having to shoot or pass the ball.

My point is that in setting records you have to consider people that played under the same rules.


It is extremely embarrassing to me and this country every time that Magoo hosts a foreign dignitary. He’s an incoherent mess and sitting there with the dignitary right next to him and has to read off que cards, correction he tries to read off the cards, and everyone sees it. And with the bs from the left that the cards only have a list of media to call on but they don’t have the answers. If that’s true then why does he read from the cards to answer the questions?

Now it’s obvious that some of the dignitaries have a “are you kidding me “ look on their faces. What I really wonder is what the hell goes on when they’re behind closed doors. They can’t interrupt Magoo to correct him. And I’ve got to believe they laugh behind his back and tell the folks back home that the US is being led by a dementia addled moron. I would love to know how they try to protect him in those meetings.


Two things that happened to me in high school in Anchorage that stand out in relation to everything else are the Good Friday earthquake, and a total eclipse of the sun. Both were unforgettable experiences, although I would prefer the latter to the former.

Before I get into the eclipse, let me remind you that the good Friday earthquake was a 9.2 on the Richter scale and the Richter scale is a log scale. Meaning that a two is 10 times as powerful as a one and three is 100 times as powerful as one and so on . That means that the New Jersey quake at 4.8 was 1400 times less severe than the one I was in and on top of that it lasted less than a minute and my quake lasted for 5 1/2 minutes. The 7.4 that hit Taiwan was a serious quake.

But that was not the point of this rant. The eclipse was awesome and unforgettable, but was a very short live thing. Unlike kudos to Bonnie Tyler a Total Eclipse of the Heart, which is much darker and long lasting and unlike most of you, I have experienced both. And definitely prefer a Total Eclipse of the sun.

I am working on a much longer rant, which I will hopefully put up tomorrow which deals with more politically relevant topics than this.


I don’t understand how even brain dead Magoo can favor Muslims over Jews. I looked it up and there are approximately two million more Jews than Muslims in the country. So why would Magoo favor the minority when he’s already hemorrhaging black, Hispanic and young voters? He can’t afford to lose anymore votes.

And I’ve got to believe that there is a significantly larger portion of Muslims here because they don’t want to live under sharia laws and oppression than there are Jews that want to see Israel destroyed.

Maybe it’s because he’s being controlled by Obama folks in his staff, nobody believes Magoo is calling the shots, and Obama is a Muslim and acted against Israel subtly but definitely. during his administration. Plus the squad gets way too much influence for a bunch of morons who don’t know anything except the climate change hoax and from the river to the sea. And I don’t understand how AOC can be a cheerleader for this nonsense. I’ve got to believe there are way more Jews than Muslims in her district

Either this is incredibly stupid or they already have the cheating in place to guarantee a victory for Magoo.