What occurred to me with the Texas debacle is that it is symptomatic of all the global warming bs. It was said that the temperature and ice was unprecedented since it hadn’t happened since I think 1949. 70 plus years is not unprecedented, it’s precedented! It’s relatively speaking normal. Try to imagine how many times in the past 2000 years that similar things happened.

Now remember what I have said many times, the entire global warming nonsense is based on temperature data since 1970. Remember that back then they were saying that we were heading for an ice age because after the hot period of the 1930’s, which were hotter than anything now, the temperature was cooling. So they use the cooling to claim that we need to measure global warming from the low point in the seventies. They don’t look at the actual history because it destroys their narrative that they want to use to impose socialism on us. Wake up!