Not really. I was going to write a separate rant, explaining my absence over the past couple months. However, I will just hit the highlights so you know why I really was not ranting. Suffice it to say I spent almost 2 months in five different hospitals. The basic problem continues to be my lower back, which at least three times completely froze where I could not move. Turns out I have a compression fracture in the lower part of my back however nobody did anything to fix my back they did however remove four gall stones give me a pacemaker and various medication‘s to help with everything except the basic problem him. And as I found out yesterday I will have my right shoulder replaced within the next couple weeks, and quite frankly, they couldn’t be done fast enough, because I can barely move my right arm anymore, which also explains why I haven’t been punching up stuff. In case this rant gets a little screwy in places it’s because I am using the voice function and not punching the keys and I’m sure you all know how sometimes that gets crazy I will at some point go back and correct whatever’s wrong with this rant.

During this period of time, I basically didn’t follow the news if anything I would catch the headlines, but did not do anything in depth and guess what I didn’t miss anything. The news now is the same news that was taking place before my hiatus there was nothing back then that was really concerning to me. There was the question of who is going to be speaker but I don’t care my only concern was that they didn’t pick somebody who wanted to partner with the Dems. And there is the ongoing question of the wars in Ukraine and Israel , which is what it is. I don’t think we should give Ukraine anymore money it’s just totally corrupt and I’m pretty sure that 90% of what we sent is gone into various corrupt politicians and businessman’s pockets and not in furtherance of winning the war.

And the war in Gaza has served two purposes. First it has totally exposed the antisemitic Dems For what they are and Second they have exposed just how bad our supposedly elite educational system is. It has now been shown that the Harvard’s of the world are just indoctrination camps. And not bastions of actual education. And they are basically Nazis, who are very antisemitic.

Sure I could have time chimed in on a lot of things but you didn’t really miss anything , but I will start being more active because I’m sure that there will be things that give me opportunity to make fun of things and point out stupidity. Anyway, to all of you who were concerned, my health is just fine.

And in closing out this rant I will comment on one thing and that is the nursing and other support staff at the five different hospitals. They were all outstanding you couldn’t ask for anything better with the exception of one lady I almost punched.I was in deep sleep I’m talking dead to the world. somewhere around four in the morning this woman Apparently called my name and I didn’t respond so she started shaking me and woke me up out of a deep sleep to ask me if I wanted to join one of their smoking cessation programs. It was all I could do not to punch in the mouth.

The doctors were a mixed bag and part of the problem. When you just go in the emergency room, everybody seems to want to get a piece Of the action. I got a fortune once in a fortune cookie, which I think is clearly applicable to the situation and its words to remember. “A man with one watch knows what time it is a man with two is never sure”. Suffice it to say That a man with four or five different doctors with different specialties is just gonna end up in a morass of nonsense. They were prescribing things that contradicted what other doctors prescribed.. It’s it’s actually a wonder that I didn’t get killed by one of their prescriptions. They all had their own little blinders on but fortunately I did survive, and I will be going to a neurosurgeon to see what they can actually do about my back so after I have a new shoulder and hopefully a functional back life should be good. If there’s anything you actually want me to comment on, just drop me a text and I’ll look into it and a big thank you to those who have expressed concern for my health.


  1. Damn, man! I was going to ask my brother where you were, since I hadn’t seen you post in quite awhile. I sure am sorry to hear of your health issues. About all you can do is chip away at them one at a time, and get better.

    Indeed, the world has been a busy place. Ukraine is the least of it now. We have three carrier groups in the middle east now – more naval power than has ever been gathered in one area in history. And yet, Biden/Obama still allow the Houthis and other Iranian proxies to slap us around with impunity, and do nothing about it. And watch out for China and NK. China wants Taiwan in the worst way, and if they want to move on it, they will have to do it while the idiot is in office.

    Plenty of action to come. I wish you all the best in fighting off your health issues. Feel better soon! Happy holidays!

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