I saw something today that gave me some concerns. And it’s just the type of thing I expected as the ‘October surprise’. It’s a little early but actually it needs to be because if it is tried later, they won’t have time to perfect it.

So what is the thing that concerns me? Magoo is being pushed hard, no doubt because he’s just plain awful campaigning, and is bleeding support from most traditional Dem strongholds, to declare a climate emergency!

Think covid on steroids changing all kinds of things by executive fiat and most concerning is that they will try to change voting laws and procedures illegally. They need to declare an emergency now because after the last fiasco, they can’t get away with it because it will be immediately challenged. The republicans are ready this time so they will need time to actually change the laws in their states.

I take some solace from the fact that it’s unlikely to help Magoo’s campaign. Everyone who has succumbed to the climate cult is voting for him now and the rest are not going disregard the economy and the border and crime for something that they have not seen to have any effect on their lives. In fact I think there is a greater chance that the great inconvenience that would occur may well lead to some who are on the fence to become solid Trump voters. So keep the faith but keep an eye out for this scam.

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