Monthly Archives: July 2019


Having watched both of the men’s semifinals in Wimbledon today, I predict that Novak Djokovic will beat Roger Federer in the final on Sunday. Novak had a fairly easy semi and Roger looked really tired. I believe that if Roger’s match with Nadal had gone to a fifth set, Nadal would have won.

On top of that, Novak has a winning record against Federer!


This morning I saw in both the Climate Depot and the Daily Caller that AOC’s Chief of Staff said that the GND was not about climate change. It was about bringing socialism to this country. Now that admission was amazing though anyone following the subject already knew that. The thing that struck me most is that later in the day, while I was driving to a restaurant, I heard Rush talking about it and he was all excited about it because he has been saying from even before his present show that the global warming scam was a socialist ploy but everyone ignored him by saying he had no proof but now he did because of AOC’s staff admission.

I don’t know if Rush is suffering from memory loss or just hasn’t been keeping up with the subject, but this is far from the first time that the left has admitted its true intentions. As I quoted in my third rant on the now erased earlier blog, one diplomat openly admitted that global warming had nothing to do with the environment but was a way to redistribute the worlds wealth. (I know that I promised to put that early rant back up and I will soon since it has become relevant.) More recently Christianna Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN’s climate nonsense said going into the Paris climate scam that we had a chance now to in one generation totally change the economic model that had been in place for a century and a half. Guess what? The economic model in place for the 150 years or so is capitalism. She openly said she wants to use the global warming scam to eliminate capitalism. Rush has to know this or his really slipping.


One of the open borders leftist talking points is that we should have compassion for illegals because they pay taxes. Juan Williams said it a little while ago. Unless they are talking about sales tax, they are talking about felons. Folks you can’t pay payroll taxes and income taxes without a social security number and you can’t get one if you’re here illegally. There are only two ways to get a SSN for illegals. First you can steal someone else’s, or you can apply for one using false information. Both are felonies! Wake up conservative pundits and call out this nonsense.


Just heard Juan Williams, who I still can’t figure out if he’s as dumb as he plays on the Five or just playing his role, claiming that because it hit 90 degrees in Anchorage this week that that’s proof of global warming. Unfortunately for him and the rest of the climate nazis the highest recorded temperature in Alaska was 100 F in Fort Yukon in 1915. Fort Yukon is way north of Anchorage and inside the Arctic Circle. And in 1915 CO2 was about half of what it is now.

Now what really upsets me is the fact that none of the other panelists had done their homework and called Juan out. This was not a surprise topic but one set up in advance. It would take about 2 minutes for anyone to do the research and blow the whistle on Juan and the climate nazis. Wake up!


Let’s first consider how Kamala Harris got into politics. As an attractive young attorney she had an affair with Willie Brown, a married man, who was the mayor of San Francisco and then the equivalent of the Speaker of the House in California. He appointed her to two lucrative political positions for which she was not qualified and thus began her political career. The me too movement must be so proud! She eventually became the DA for San Francisco and then the Attorney General for California. By all accounts she was as corrupt as Andrew Weissman and backed prosecutions that were highly suspect for political reasons. Blacks were not happy with her and that is a lingering problem for her campaign which is why she tried to go after Biden as a racist.

I am delighted that she did because it has resulted in much more attention being paid to the fact that the segregationists Biden was talking about working with were Democrats. People like Tucker Carlson who seemed to skip over the racist history of the Dems are now talking about it. Lest you forget, the Dems were the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow and the KKK.

Now Harris has come up with an idea even more stupid than eliminating my private health insurance and giving it to illegals and the green new deal. She wants to have a $100 billion dollar program to provide mortgages for blacks who couldn’t get them otherwise. Aside from being racist discrimination, it is just plain stupid. People do any of you remember why the housing market crashed a decade ago. Starting probably with Carter and certainly with Bill Clinton mortgages were provided to people who didn’t qualify for and couldn’t pay them. She wants to do it all over again. Yeah let’s crash the housing market again so she can pander to blacks.

She is in a real interesting position on reparations, which she backs, because as I recall her family owned slaves. Maybe her and her family should pay reparations to the descendants of their former slaves. My family never owned slaves and didn’t even come here until the late 1800’s from Germany.

Reparations will be the subject of my next rant.


Any of you who read my old posts know that I already covered this scandal and particularly Bill Clinton’s involvement. Bill has got to be defecating clay building materials now that the truth is being pursued. His media hatchets put out a press release saying he knew nothing about the underage girls etc., and claiming that he only flew on Epstein’s private jet — the Lolita Express — four times and was accompanied by his secret service contingent on each of them. Problem is that I previously stated Bill Clinton has been proven to have taken 26 flights on that plane and on at least five trips he dismissed his secret service contingent. I wonder why.

Now the real reason for this rant is not about Clinton, it is about the leftists trying to bring Trump into the scandal because he was friends with Epstein more than a decade ago and is quoted as saying Epstein liked them young. Trump didn’t say he liked underage girls but they are trying like hell to insinuate otherwise. You can rest assured that at some point close to the 2020 election they will trot out some woman, maybe Christine Blasey Ford, to say Trump along with Epstein molested her. Here’s why I believe they will fail and Trump didn’t engage in such activity. Trump barred Epstein from Mar-a-lago because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl there. Trump would not have done that if Epstein could prove Trump had sex with underage girls. He would have swept it under the rug.


I can’t resist calling out the Dems on their hypocrisy on Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un because he met with a despot without getting something in return. Let’s not forget that Obama met with the despots in Cuba not only without getting anything but opened up far more access to American dollars. He also joked with them while the Pulse nightclub In Orlando was being attacked by a Muslim terrorist. The Dems have no credibility at all. They have no standards other than Trump bad but if the same thing was done by Obama that’s good.


I was just watching the Five discussing AOC’s latest border outrage. Katie was the only one who brought up AOC’s fake photos from last week which were the subject of my last rant. I noticed that Juan didn’t have a response just more of the left wing talking points and believing everything AOC says. As far as I’m concerned, once you’ve been shown to be a blatant liar on a subject, then you have to provide actual evidence — not allegations — before anything you say should be taken seriously. (Think the boy who cried wolf.). Notice that she provided no photos or other evidence of her claims. When asked if she actually saw women drinking from toilets, she rolled up her window and drove off.