This morning I saw in both the Climate Depot and the Daily Caller that AOC’s Chief of Staff said that the GND was not about climate change. It was about bringing socialism to this country. Now that admission was amazing though anyone following the subject already knew that. The thing that struck me most is that later in the day, while I was driving to a restaurant, I heard Rush talking about it and he was all excited about it because he has been saying from even before his present show that the global warming scam was a socialist ploy but everyone ignored him by saying he had no proof but now he did because of AOC’s staff admission.

I don’t know if Rush is suffering from memory loss or just hasn’t been keeping up with the subject, but this is far from the first time that the left has admitted its true intentions. As I quoted in my third rant on the now erased earlier blog, one diplomat openly admitted that global warming had nothing to do with the environment but was a way to redistribute the worlds wealth. (I know that I promised to put that early rant back up and I will soon since it has become relevant.) More recently Christianna Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN’s climate nonsense said going into the Paris climate scam that we had a chance now to in one generation totally change the economic model that had been in place for a century and a half. Guess what? The economic model in place for the 150 years or so is capitalism. She openly said she wants to use the global warming scam to eliminate capitalism. Rush has to know this or his really slipping.