This is a long overdue discussion that is now important because the Squad has now made it so.

First, let’s discuss race. When I grew up in prehistoric times, there were four races. Black, White, Yellow and Red. I believe they were Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and I’m not sure what the Native Americans were called. French is not a race, it’s a nationally. Hispanic is not a race, it’s a collection of nationalities. Indian Indians are or at least were Caucasian. I have no idea what they are now.

Now with the growth of the socialist sociologists, there are basically an infinite number of races. Just like we now have a virtually limitless number of genders. None of this is serious. It’s just a continuation of the lefts agenda to make all their constituents victims.

The reason I discuss this is to get to this whole women of color nonsense. We moved from Omaha to Tampa when I was 5. Segregation was still the law and something I had not encountered before. I vividly remember going to Publix and seeing drinking fountains designated colored and white. (Being the naive person that I am, I would use the colored fountain if the white was being used.) Same for bathrooms. Tampa had a large Cuban population then as it still does. I went to a Catholic school and a good percentage of my classmates were of Cuban descent. Let me assure you that the Cubans didn’t go into the colored bathrooms. And I guarantee you that AOC and Rashida Tlaib would not have gone there either. They would have never self identified as “colored “. Now they do for political purposes. Please tell me what color Tlaib is. She’s Palestinian. If she’s a person of color then so are all Jews and Greeks and Italians and North Africans. Hell every one is a person of color.

Kamala is not African American. He father is Jamaican and her mother is from India. And just so you know, everybody from Africa is not considered African American under the rules in this country. It only includes sub-Saharan Africa and dark skinned people. Egyptian, Libyan, Tunisian and Moroccan people are not considered African no matter how many centuries their ancestors lived in Africa. Likewise for whites from South Africa.

My point is this is all nonsense designed to increase the victim class in hopes it will help the clueless Dems.


  1. With a good tan I’m a man “of color” just like all the other well-tanned men and women in the good ole summertime… Therefore, I expect special consideration in all of my waking moments.

    1. Yeah George Hamilton undoubtedly has his own race.

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