I watched the supposed press conference today and it was anything but a real press conference. Biden had a list of people to call on and the order to do it. Unless I missed it, he didn’t call on Peter Doocy or any other representative of a even mildly conservative outlet.

I’m not saying that he had the questions beforehand, but he knew pretty well what was going to be asked because he read many answers off of cards. And he lied continuously blaming Trump for the surge at the border and even though a couple of ‘reporters’ pushed back, it was clear that it was a setup because he read off cards again in response. He got nothing but softballs and even stumbled on them. He was slow and seemed tired.

And he dodged the few questions he got that should have been easy to answer. He couldn’t commit to getting our troops out of Afghanistan because of logistics. I believe we have something like 5000 troops left there and Trump committed to having them out by May 1. If Joe’s military can’t evacuate 5000 troops and equipment in 6 weeks then there is a big problem.

He also couldn’t commit to when there would be the promised transparency at the border. What became clear is that they will allow media into the border detention centers after they have transferred all the excess kids to some other hellhole.

Lastly, the thing that struck me was that participation in a presidential press conference used to be by seasoned, veteran reporters. Today they all appeared to be wet behind the ears twenty somethings. It’s embarrassing. Maybe they couldn’t get seasoned reporters to participate in the charade.