Today Rand Paul took media whore, science free, Fauci to the woodshed for his ridiculous nonsense that even if you’ve had the flu or been vaccinated you still need to wear two masks. Rand said Fauci was guilty of theater not science. Paul cited several studies indicating that there is no reason to wear a mask if you have either had COVID or been vaccinated, and the weasel kept trying to claim that we had to be careful because of potential variants in the virus and Paul, who is a physician, was having none of it and kept pressing Fauci for a single study supporting his bullshit and Fauci eventually had to admit there are none.

Now this should come as no surprise to you since I ranted almost a year ago about Dr. Birx saying there was no data to support their position but they were doing it anyway. And as far as I know, I am still the only person who caught it and reported on it.