I’m not going to talk about the bogus Georgia indictments until after Trump supposedly destroys it all on Monday. Instead the purpose of this rant is to consider the wisdom of this. Listen, I could destroy the Georgia election fraud and I don’t have nearly the access to information that Trump has. However the question is is this wise?

By putting forth his case now he gives Fani the chance to doctor evidence and come up with bogus witnesses to counter his claims. On the other hand he can take his case to the voters and show the fraud that was the Georgia election.

It is important to remember that this is not about Fani versus Trump. It is about Trump against Kemp and Raffensperger. Trump criticized Kemp for reopening too soon and he was wrong and there has been animosity between them ever since. He also criticized Raffensperger for allowing unconstitutional changes to Georgia voting laws. So when the election appeared to be fraudulent, they both went into cya mode and denied reality. They wanted Trump to lose and tried to cover up the fraud that had occurred. If Trump comes out and demonstrates the easily demonstrable fraud, they both will be exposed for the coverup of their malfeasance. And their lights will be seriously dimmed.

I am not sure which path is better, but considering that the case could not reasonably be brought until after the election and the fact that he won’t be constrained at this point by some bogus gag order, I say lay it all out there but stick to demonstrable facts not speculation or opinion. You can destroy them with the State Farm video alone. There were way more illegal votes than needed to change the outcome of the election.