There are two things where science is not science but politics — global warming and covid. In these two areas if you disagree with the left you are either a climate denier or an anti vaxer. In both cases science has nothing to do with it. It’s strictly political.

As I have demonstrated previously, the entire Covid nonsense is just that. Remember, and as I have previously demonstrated and am still the only one who caught it, but Birx said that we have no data to support it but this is where we are going. Science has absolutely nothing to do with it.

With respect to global warming, every single prediction that the left has made has been totally false. The left’s nonsense has nothing to do with reality and is just their attempt to take away your freedom to support nonsense. I hope you watched Tucker tonight where he demonstrated the fraud.

PS There are probably many more like using disparate treatment versus using disparate impact. I’ve ranted about this previously so look it up. There’s no real science involved.

1 thought on “SCIENCE

  1. Are you sure fish are not swimming in the streets in Miami? Gore said they would be by now

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