I hope most of you saw that Magoo and his cronies are back to the tactics of Obama and Eric Holder using consent decrees to get what they couldn’t get otherwise. Here’s how the scam works. The EPA or some other agency wants to enact a regulation that they know they can’t get through proper rulemaking under the APA ( Administrative Procedures Act) and so they put out a regulation that’s short of what they want and with a wink and a nod encourage some environmental groups to challenge the rule in court and when they do they enter into a settlement that gives them what they wanted but couldn’t get legally and then they get the court to enter a consent decree making it legal and binding. Now this needs to stop because it’s a blatant violation of law and I’ve ranted about it before.

Now the reason I bring this up is because today I saw that Magoo’s regime is up to the same thing. This morning I saw that they entered into a consent decree with the Sierra Club to forbid oil and gas leasing on over 1 million acres of federal land. First I’m pretty sure actually enacted federal legislation requires a certain amount of leasing every year and Magoo has been fighting it since he entered office and the courts have had some different decisions and I don’t know what the actual state of the law is at this moment but this is another clear end run around the law.

This morning I saw a few articles about this but as so often happens I couldn’t find them but this time I put in the effort to find confirmation for the story and found it on the Sierra Club site.