Alright I’m am assuming that republicans will take control of both chambers in 2022. I’m not complacent and will vote every chance I have to make that happen. But the purpose of this rant is to discuss the 2024 presidential election. First let’s look at the Dems. Conventional thinking today is that their nominee will be Crooked Hillary. I don’t think so. Why? First there is no way Magoo runs again but there is also no way Kamala gets it. He is brain dead and she’s brain never was. Mayor Pete is not only a never was and stupid but as many people have pointed out, his gayness makes him a no for black male voters without whom they can’t win. So who does that leave and many think it’s Hillary. But I don’t think that’s a viable alternative. Why because everyday Durham reveals more of the corruption in her last campaign and the RNC has withdrawn from the seriously biased presidential debate nonsense and so leftists won’t be able to cover her fat ass. Can you imagine a debate with two moderators,Mark Levin and pick one Russia Rachel, Hillary would be destroyed. I don’t think that if Durham continues on course which could lead directly to her that she would be dumb enough to poke the bear. So who does that leave them? Your guess is as good as mine because their entire bench is geriatrics or little known and unqualified youngsters.

Ok now let’s look at the republicans. There are only two viable candidates. Trump and De Santis. Everyone else like Pence is smoking something if they think they have a shot. If Trump remains healthy and runs, it’s a done deal. No one can beat him. De Santis polls 20 points behind him in every poll. If Trump doesn’t run De Santis wins hands down. The dream ticket is the two of them and it would be a landslide and would guarantee twelve years of a Republican in the White House. The only possible problem is that De Santis may not want to leave his present position and run as vp because if I remember correctly he would have to resign as governor because in Florida if you run for a different office you have to resign your present office to do it. Assuming that his lieutenant governor is a strong conservative, he might do it.