Monthly Archives: January 2022


Here’s how Biden could stop Russia imho, Put back the sanctions and stop the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline which is not yet completed, and then approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Russia is basically a third world country with a lot of gas and oil to sell and little else, except nukes. Take away their money and they will collapse. And Putin knows this but he also knows Biden is senile and corrupt and bought by both Russia and China


Am watching Tucker and Dr. Robert Malone who is basically the father of mRNA technology said something I was going to go back to append to my rant on the only way to prove that those vaccinated will get less sick than the unvaccinated is to conduct experiments on identical twins. Actually the Nazis and the Japanese did such things and Nuremberg held the Nazis accountable and until now prevented human experiments. Of course we did such unethical bs here and that’s one reason blacks are hesitant to take the jab. We intentionally infected blacks with syphilis to see what the long term effects would be.


Just in case you haven’t been following what’s going on with respect to my statement in the last rant about illegal voting in the last election, here’s what has come out. Recently a judge in Wisconsin ruled that the use of drop boxes in the last election was illegal. Undoubtedly there were more than enough illegal votes in these boxes to have changed the outcome of the election in Wisconsin.

Likewise in Arizona an audit determined that there were more than 50,000 illegal votes in that state which Biden won by 12,000 votes and of course it can’t be determined who these votes went to because of course contrary to law the evidence wasn’t preserved.

In Pennsylvania audits are finally underway and pointing once again to fraud but surprise surprise records that were required by law to be kept seem to have disappeared.

Likewise in Georgia where you know that the Dems in Atlanta pulled out suitcases containing more than enough votes to have changed that election and even counted some of them three times, there is a judge ordered audit going on and you guessed it, there is proof of illegal voting but once again it is difficult to determine the total amount because records required by law to be maintained have been destroyed.

And lastly I can’t remember whether it was in Pennsylvania or Georgia and it may have been both, Project Veritas has produced video showing illegal ballot harvesting and in one case election officials discussing whether they should follow the rules this time in a recount.


Here’s the issue that both sides seem to be fixed on. Biden pushed his voting bills because of voter suppression but then pointed out that the last election had the highest voter turnout across the board. So where’s the suppression?

And then the republicans pointed out the same thing. So just to be fair to the Dems voting rights bs is to enact into law many illegal changes made by election officials and judges in the last election that led to the supposed record turnout. It actually led to record numbers of illegal votes. So the republicans need to focus on that because the record turnout was in large part do to crap that they want to nationalize. You’ve got to look at the big picture and understand the real points!


I am sure you are aware that Meat Loaf and Louie Anderson passed away. I liked them both and was a big fan of Meat Loaf. They will both be missed but in his case he died of complications from Covid. He refused to get vaccinated because he refused to be mandated. So of course the ghouls on the left couldn’t wait to gloat. They are truly sick and demented. They have no honor or soul.


Am watching Tucker and he is making the point I have made many times. Howard Stern is making the point that I have made many times. If you’re vaccinated and they work, which they don’t, then why would you care if I’m not vaccinated because you are safe. I like Stern but his bs is just bs. If he truly believes that the vaccines work which they don’t then why would he care about the unvaccinated. He’s safe. So he must really believe that his vaccinated status doesn’t protect him from omicron. Such nonsense!

So once again, you have to take the shot that doesn’t work so that the shot I took that doesn’t work works


As you know I have been saying for a while that Fox News management has been drifting left for a while. This morning it was confirmed once again. An editorial by some Fox bigwig claimed that Biden’s performance was masterful and demonstrated that he is on top of everything and is doing a great job. Unfortunately I didn’t save it because I didn’t think it would disappear from the app but it has. I guess the negative blowback was so great that it disappeared. They want to become MSNBC but are forced to confront the fact that their revenues come from Tucker and Hannity and Ingraham and Jesse and Bongino et al. They want to go left but are smart enough to know who butters their bread.


The one thing I forgot to mention was that as I’m sure you know that right leaning sites have been saying for weeks that the Dems stand for nothing but racism and have no agenda other than trying to force cheating in elections. But Biden or his handlers gave it their best shot and claimed that it is the republicans who have no agenda. I have to give them props for once again taking their failures and putting them on the right.


Alright I had the misfortune to watch Biden’s nonsense today. Now first they must have gotten his speed injection just right because he only failed open a few times.

Now first as I said earlier he lied his ass off in his speech. He claimed that the vaccines prevent Covid. That’s demonstrably a lie. As has been put up on this site previously, the fully vaccinated are several times more likely to get omicron than the unvaccinated. Just a fact. And then the idiot said that he had presided over the first time that wages for the lower class had ever raised. Total bullshit. Remember that under Trump wages rose to all time highs for blacks, Hispanics and women. Ask yourself this. If you get a two percent raise and inflation goes up by nine percent did you really get a raise and if you think so you’re too dumb to continue reading this rant.

The most outrageous thing he asked was can you name any president who has ever accomplished more in his first year than Biden, and I’m sure you like me screened at the tv yes Trump you ignorant asshole. What have you actually accomplished in your first incompetent year. An infrastructure law that was more about bs climate change than infrastructure and that’s about it.

Inflation, the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, energy independence lost and open borders to name a few.

And again while Biden tried to claim he didn’t defame anyone who doesn’t support his power grab by the Dems in their power grab in sheeps clothing of ‘voters rights’, anyone with a brain can see otherwise. Clearly after his speech in Atlanta his handlers are trying to pretend he didn’t say what he said. And the most amazing thing is that Biden was a segregationist and a supporter of the KKK and his party was the party of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and opposed school integration.

Now while I think Biden got mostly softball questions and maybe a few semi tough nobody asked him the question he can’t answer. If the Georgia voting laws are racist why aren’t you campaigning to overturn the voting laws in your home state of Delaware that are more restrictive than the laws in Georgia.