Monthly Archives: December 2021


I am doing this because one of you repeated the talking point that if you are vaccinated it won’t prevent you getting omicron but it will be a milder case.

Okay people, please tell me how you can prove this unprovable hypothesis? There is absolutely no way for them to say how sick I will be if I get omicron. The odds are it will be like a cold based on the empirical data from South Africa, and remember that 75% of the people there are unvaccinated!

Listen, NIH, CDC and Fauci and friends are just making it up as they go to try to cover their asses for pushing an unproven vaccine. You can’t believe anything out of their mouths. Remember when I showed you Birx saying there is no data to support this but it’s what we’re doing.

This is not science. It’s an unprovable talking point. It’s the go to for the medical profession. I have received two separate vaccines to prevent pneumonia and this year I got pneumonia. And when I asked my doctor why I got the vaccines and he said, you guessed it, if I hadn’t been vaccinated I would have ended up in the hospital. See a pattern here. There is no way he could know what would have happened under a different scenario.

Don’t fall for the talking point bullshit and if any of you can figure out a way to prove this nonsense, please enlighten me.


First off I have absolutely no idea what it is like to be in extremely stressful situation as a cop. Bongino does and he was apoplectic about the verdict today. I have seen a video of Eric Bolling in a police video situation where you have to make instantaneous decisions on whether to use a taser or a gun and he didn’t do well. However it’s also clear from even Bolling that there is a major difference in weight between a taser and a gun and police tasers are bright colors and not easily confused with a gun.

So I have no idea if today’s verdict was just or not. I truly believe that Kim made a deadly mistake but don’t know if she should have realized what she was doing. Either way she was responsible for Daunte Wright’s death.

Now one thing I do want to comment on is the left’s and the msm’s deifying of Wright and George Floyd and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. They were all criminals and should not be praised. Ann Coulter had an excellent piece on Townhall today explaining just what a piece of excrement Wright was. Look it up. These people deserve no praise and worship. If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong about the school, but Floyd was put in a painting at Notre Dame as Jesus. Really?

Now another thing I was going to comment on was the fact that female cops are more likely to use a gun than males because they don’t have the physical ability to confront a situation. I was told about that 30 years ago by one of my subordinates who worked with cops and it was true then but I looked it up today and more police shootings are by men than women. Although what I didn’t see was any correlation between the number of male cops versus the number of female cops on the streets in a position to have to make the choice.

So here’s my hypothesis. Female cops are more likely to use a gun due to their physical inferiority. It’s just what like I have said before. When I got my handgun and took the training the one thing I was told was that criminals are wary of senior citizens because they know we will shoot first and ask questions later. We have no delusions that we might win a physical confrontation. And I guarantee you that that is the truth with me.

So to make my point about me, I will tell you a story from my past. When I was a junior in high school in Anchorage. I played American Legion baseball. In one game, and I played second base, a ball was hit and flipped to me for a throw for a double play. As I went to throw it the idiot coming in instead of sliding like he was supposed to do decided to jump up thinking I wouldn’t throw. His name was Bill Fish. Anyway, I cut loose and hit him right between the eyes and when he finally got up you could see the imprint of the stitches on his forehead, and the only thing I was concerned with was why the umpire didn’t rule the guy out at first for interference. Yeah I will definitely shoot first.


Just so you know that what I have been saying is not made up bs I’m giving you a link to an article by Alex Berenson, a name you are familiar with if you follow my nonsense. He is one of the most informed and knowledgeable people on Covid-19.

There are plenty of charts and graphs to back up his statements and basically his point is twofold. First omicron is the equivalent of a cold and is already declining in South Africa and second the vaccines and boosters are worthless with omicron. He says anyone who is unvaccinated and gets vaccinated because of omicron is an idiot.


First a chuckle. I heard Bongino say today, and I believe he said it was an original, that he didn’t understand what all the panic concerning omicron was about since it’s only killed the same number of Americans as Alec Baldwin. Good point!

The second thing I saw was that, at least according to some experts, the vaccines and booster are totally ineffective against omicron because this variant is so different from the earlier ones that the vaccines attacking a certain spike protein is meaningless. That’s not effective at all with this variant. Thankfully as I have been saying for a while now omicron is following the normal path of respiratory viruses. It is more contagious and less lethal. It will probably lead to herd immunity if we aren’t already there.

Of course this administration and the socialist/fascist governors and mayors will never admit it’s over. They are drunk on power like the media whore Fauci.

PS It appears that the one omicron death was with the virus not from the virus. So Baldwin is still ahead.


Today I saw several articles indicating that there are several moderate Dems in the senate who are breathing a sigh of relief because they won’t have to vote on bbb, which is not popular with their constituents. I have told you for months that a between 5 and 10 Dems are against it but going along even though they know it might cost them re-election.

Well Cryin’Chuckie Schumer said today that he will call a vote on this crap next year so that Manchin actually has to cast a vote in the senate and not on tv. Oooo so scary. Manchin is a senator from a state that Trump won with almost 70% of the vote. It’s as red as you can get. Cryin’ Chuckie should be worried about making Dems senators up for re-election next year vote for something their constituents don’t want. Keep it up Chuckie. You’ll guarantee your loss of power.

My prediction is that this empty suit was just grandstanding and trying ignorantly bully Manchin and that he will never require a vote on this shit unless they can somehow blackmail Manchin. That’s what it will take because your bullying is only going to make Manchin dig in.


Today Manchin announced effectively that build back worse is dead. And what did the idiots on the left do, including the White House, via BOC, they attacked him and called him names. Even the design basis idiot Omar went ballistic. She is stupid and should be in jail and stripped of her citizenship because of immigration fraud and yet she felt compelled to make ignorant statements.

I say they are making a big mistake because they are only making Manchin more determined and if they keep it up, he could switch parties and the Dems would lose control of the senate and any chance to do more damage to the country. Keep it up idiots.


This is in response to a request from one of you over my not having ranted about the nonsense that Biden et al blamed the tornadoes on and I told him I thought I had but it turned out I only texted it to one of you. So here’s the essence of my text and then I’ll expand.

On Monday Bongino seemed stunned that the first thing Biden et al did was blame the tornadoes on global warming while we were still searching for bodies. My first thought, after hoping for the safety of people, was that the left would immediately politicize it. It’s what they always do. Never let a disaster go to waste.

Now for the facts. The Weather Channel said that this was possibly the first F-5 tornado in the US in 8 years which is an unprecedented stretch here since we have been categorizing tornadoes under the Fujita scale. There has never been an eight year period with no F-5’s. And based on what I have seen today that may still be true but we’ll have to wait to see what the end verdict on the severity level was. Whatever the classification turns out, it doesn’t change the fact that this was a massive disaster.

Now so you can do your own work, I suggest you go to and you can read all the articles by experts explaining that tornado and hurricane intensity have actually been decreasing and both in the US and worldwide climate related deaths are down by incredible amounts. There is even one explaining that cooling actually creates bigger tornadoes and it’s by an actual expert.

Enjoy. You can get everything you want by exploring the plethora of information presented.


I know I ranted on this subject a week or more ago but that time was concerning a scenario whereby Hillary was basically appointed president without an election. Now there is talk about her actually running in 2024 and have heard a few people who think she could win the nomination and it would be a toss up with Trump.

Ok let’s have a reality check. First Hillary lost last time because she has the charisma of a rock and no platform other than it’s my turn and Trump is a Russian puppet. Now that it’s clear that Hillary was the Russian puppet and she’s lucky that she hasn’t been indicted for violations involving classified information on a personal server and then wiping it when it was under subpoena.

And let’s not forget the pay to play Clinton Foundation. Since she’s gone from power the Foundation has lost basically all donations and is I believe under criminal investigation.

And Trump will hammer it mercilessly. Orange Man Bad and his tweets are mean is not going to be an answer. And it’s still my turn is not a platform that will garner a lot of support. She can’t even emphasize the supposed big lie because she’s still saying that 2016 was stolen from her.

And lastly people actually have seen Trump deliver on his promises and we were much better off under him than Biden and as much as you know she would love to be president, I don’t think she will run and expose herself to the scrutiny that will come this time. Stay home and drink your boxed Chardonnay.

if she runs she is even stupider than I thought and that’s a high bar.


Just a few thoughts on this fraud. First, Congress power to investigate is limited to investigations that could lead to laws to fix perceived problems. So tell me what potential law could be the outcome of this farce? The only thing I can think of is how to better protect the Capitol, but as we know that would be an investigation into PELOSI’s conduct not Trump’s. Insurrection and the rest of the bs charges are already federal crimes. So what could they do? Pass an unconstitutional law that the president can’t give a speech?

Before any court enforces any of these unconstitutional subpoenas, they need to force the committee to explain their legislative purpose and what law they are looking to create. That’s the only power Congress has. They do not have authority to conduct criminal investigations. That’s DOJ’s authority and they have already said their is no evidence that Trump planned and fomented an insurrection. And has been said many times, if this was supposed to be an insurrection, it was the most incompetent insurrection in history. The protesters were unarmed. There has never been an unarmed insurrection in history. So please push this bs through the courts and get the Supremes to slap down Pelosi and the serial liar Adam Shit who up to his old tricks. Yesterday he once again edited and made up things that didn’t happen.

Republicans need to take back the House and then bar all these idiots from ANY committee assignments. It’s time to start playing hardball. The Dems do when they have the power and we need to when we have the power. I guarantee you that the base will cheer.