I know I ranted on this subject a week or more ago but that time was concerning a scenario whereby Hillary was basically appointed president without an election. Now there is talk about her actually running in 2024 and have heard a few people who think she could win the nomination and it would be a toss up with Trump.

Ok let’s have a reality check. First Hillary lost last time because she has the charisma of a rock and no platform other than it’s my turn and Trump is a Russian puppet. Now that it’s clear that Hillary was the Russian puppet and she’s lucky that she hasn’t been indicted for violations involving classified information on a personal server and then wiping it when it was under subpoena.

And let’s not forget the pay to play Clinton Foundation. Since she’s gone from power the Foundation has lost basically all donations and is I believe under criminal investigation.

And Trump will hammer it mercilessly. Orange Man Bad and his tweets are mean is not going to be an answer. And it’s still my turn is not a platform that will garner a lot of support. She can’t even emphasize the supposed big lie because she’s still saying that 2016 was stolen from her.

And lastly people actually have seen Trump deliver on his promises and we were much better off under him than Biden and as much as you know she would love to be president, I don’t think she will run and expose herself to the scrutiny that will come this time. Stay home and drink your boxed Chardonnay.

if she runs she is even stupider than I thought and that’s a high bar.