This is in response to a request from one of you over my not having ranted about the nonsense that Biden et al blamed the tornadoes on and I told him I thought I had but it turned out I only texted it to one of you. So here’s the essence of my text and then I’ll expand.

On Monday Bongino seemed stunned that the first thing Biden et al did was blame the tornadoes on global warming while we were still searching for bodies. My first thought, after hoping for the safety of people, was that the left would immediately politicize it. It’s what they always do. Never let a disaster go to waste.

Now for the facts. The Weather Channel said that this was possibly the first F-5 tornado in the US in 8 years which is an unprecedented stretch here since we have been categorizing tornadoes under the Fujita scale. There has never been an eight year period with no F-5’s. And based on what I have seen today that may still be true but we’ll have to wait to see what the end verdict on the severity level was. Whatever the classification turns out, it doesn’t change the fact that this was a massive disaster.

Now so you can do your own work, I suggest you go to and you can read all the articles by experts explaining that tornado and hurricane intensity have actually been decreasing and both in the US and worldwide climate related deaths are down by incredible amounts. There is even one explaining that cooling actually creates bigger tornadoes and it’s by an actual expert.

Enjoy. You can get everything you want by exploring the plethora of information presented.