That should scare the crap out of you. I saw an article today by Wayne Allyn Root that predicted that and he says he’s rarely wrong and that’s probably right.

Now his scenario. Biden is a total brain dead fool but Kamala is even less liked than Joe and there is no way that he will resign and let her be president. Kamala is probably the least liked and most unlikeable politician in recent history. As he says and I have pointed out many times even women do not support an unqualified woman who slept her way to the top.

So where does that leave us According to Root, Kamala will be forced to resign on some flimsy excuse like family or medical reasons and then given a $25 million estate to keep her quiet by various leftist donors on the qt. And then Biden will pick Hillary and she will be confirmed by Congress as required by the 25th Amendment, both houses, and then after a few months Joe will resign and Hillary will get her wet dream. And she will appoint a black woman, Michelle Obama as vp and that will be the Dems ticket in 2024.

Like I said that is scary, but I think there are some problems with his scenario. First Hillary would have to be confirmed by both houses and with Kamala gone the senate is 50-50 and that’s not a confirmation. I don’t know if even the house with its paper thin majority would confirm her. Remember she is no more likeable than Kamala. Nobody likes her and she’s just as phony. In addition all the information has come out on her bogus Russian collusion bs. I don’t think she can be confirmed.

And there’s Michelle Obama. What makes anyone think she could be confirmed? What has she ever done other than ruin school lunches and grow a garden with lots of kale. Might as well grow straw! And I don’t believe she would ever expose herself to heated questioning because I guarantee you that her background and previous statements would skewer her much like Hillary having to answer questions about russiagate. Not going to be pretty.

So while I think it’s scary, I don’t think that will happen. I clearly don’t think that Biden will last three more years , I don’t think Hillary will be the choice. Maybe someone like Susan Rice who will still have a hard time being confirmed and you also need to consider that for any of this to happen they need to pay Jill Biden enough money to get Joe to be ready to get out before 2022 midterm elections because after that both houses will be Republican.