Monthly Archives: June 2021


This is a familiar theme for my rants because it’s always a valid premise. There are two issues I want to explore in this rant and Fauci will be the tie between the two.

The first thing that occurred to me about this theme is that it explains a lot of the nonsense we’ve been hearing lately about the need to be vaccinated even if you had it and recovered and to get a booster every six months. This is the cash cow for big pharma. New studies have come out recently that show that like every other virus that we know of, if you get it and recover you are immune for life. Fauci and the frauds know it but are pushing the vaccines anyway with their go to cop out — the variants. Well guess what, if you’ve got lifetime immunity why wouldn’t that be at least as good as getting a vaccine that wasn’t created for the variants?

Also I don’t recall any vaccines that require frequent booster shots. I know some require two or three shots initially but I don’t recall with one exception any that required boosters. And none required vaccination of people who got it and recovered. The one exception is the DPT booster, and that was only every five years or so and generally only if something happened that might put you at specific risk like stepping on a rusty nail.

So why is this nonsense being pushed? First consider the enormous profits to be made from mandating that all 340 million of us get a shot every six months forever. And I believe that what’s emboldened them into thinking they can get away with this fraud is the lack of spine you’ve demonstrated throughout this event. You’ve willingly surrendered your rights and liberty to virtue signal. And now they know you’re spineless!

The second point to this rant, and the point that got me interested in doing this is that recently several articles have appeared going over Fauci’s rather checkered career. He’s a bureaucrat! What struck me was that I was reminded that just like his opposition to hydroxychloroquine, back during the AIDS pandemic he also refused to endorse generic drug treatments that doctors showed worked. Apparently he has a financial interest and someone needs to do a deep dive into his finances and see how he’s benefiting from pushing expensive vaccines and opposing cheap generic alternatives!


First, there is a rant I have been meaning to write for a few days on follow the money and I just haven’t gotten around to it but I will tomorrow.

Now the reason for this rant is that earlier today or maybe yesterday there what was described as a major earthquake in Alaska measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale. Now for those of you who don’t know, the Richter scale is a log scale. That means that a 7.1 is ten times more severe than a 6.1, and an 8.1 is 100x more severe than a 6.1 and a 9.1 is 1000x more severe than a 6.1. I was in a 9.3, the Good Friday earthquake, and so I always look at the stories about these supposed major quakes with a somewhat jaundiced eye.

Just to put that into perspective for you, a category one hurricane starts at 74 mph. A category five starts at I think 150 mph. That’s not even one notch on the Richter scale. A category 2 would have to be 740 mph! Forget about what a Category 5 would be.