Monthly Archives: June 2021


I haven’t written anything on this subject in awhile because nothing has really changed. The same idiots keep spouting the same made up nonsense and lying about reality. The one new thing I saw is that last month was the first May since they started keeping track back in 1950 that there wasn’t a single EF3 or higher tornado in the US.

The reason for this rant is that one of you suggested that I point out to the AOC’s of the world just how many products that are derived from petrochemicals. So I did some research and here’s a list of 6000 or more.


Today Novak Djokovic beat Rafael Nadal in one of the greatest tennis matches of all time. The third set alone lasted over one and a half hours. This was not a match that involved pitty pat points. Every point was full out shots from both sides and in the end Djoovich was able to pull it out

Just to be clear, I have watched many matches that went on for hours but this is the only one I have seen that involved the participants going all out on every point.


I don’t know if you know that the left was obsessed with whether or not Trump had his pants on backwards when he gave his speech to the North Carolina GOP on Sunday. Eventually they decided he didn’t. Now the purpose of this rant is that no one not totally out of their mind could ever put on their pants backwards, maybe their underwear but never their real pants. How do you zip up your ass?

PS. Women back in the fifties and sixties did have their zipper on the back to make it harder for boys like me to get to the promised land.


Was watching Tucker and his story about AOC claiming that Trump was responsible for her abuela living in her historic house because Trump blocked aid. First that’s total bs. Second Matt Walch set up a go fund me page to raise money for AOC’s grandmother and raised $100,000 in less than ten hours which amazingly was refused by the intended recipients.

The thought that I had and no one has said but must be thinking is that it was just another photo op for AOC. Remember when she went to the border and fake cried about the illegals disastrous treatment at a fence which it turned out contrary to her bs backed up to a an empty parking lot. Total bs photo op! I have to believe that they turned down the funds because it was another bogus photo.


Holy batshit Robin, can this be true? Guess what folks, it is true! Three things have convinced me that it’s true.

First, and it’s been discussed for a few days or maybe more, in spite of having 18 months to find it, neither the Chinese nor Fauci (maybe that’s redundant) have been able to find a bat or any other animal that has COVID-19. Thus they can’t prove the it occurred naturally bs.

Next, and this and the following point are things I learned today via Bongino, the New York Post and the WSJ. The Covid-19 genome contains a sequence of building blocks that do not occur in nature or at least have never been found in nature. Thus it is highly unlikely that this virus was not created in a lab.

And lastly and most importantly, the PLA , the People’s Liberation Army, filed for a patent for a vaccine against COVID-19 two months before China admitted that COVID-19 existed. Remember what I told you. To create a bio weapon you need both the pathogen and the antidote and clearly the Chinese were doing just that when an accidental leak blew up their plans. This also exposes the fraud that is Fauci gloating that the Chinese would not create a lethal pathogen that would kill them too. They didn’t. They were planning on having the antidote before releasing it, but apparently saint Fauci is too dumb to see the obvious or too concerned with covering his own ass since he funded it.


Listen this is one problem I have had with Bongino over the past couple weeks. He keeps citing an article espousing that red counties in blue states leave their state and join an adjacent red states. Now, while I would love to see that, it ain’t going to happen! Why? Because under the constitution it requires not only the consent of the legislature in the state they want to join but the approval of the the legislature in the state they want to leave. Do any of you seriously believe that New York or California or Oregon would approve a reduction in their political power? Never going to happen and so Bongino needs to give up on this fantasy.


I favor the lab leak scenario because the Chinese didn’t have a vaccine or antidote and thus were not ready to use it as a weapon because it would hurt them. However, as I have noted several times, once it leaked they took steps to stop the spread in China and massively spread it to the rest of the world. They were clearly developing a bio weapon and it got out before they were ready for that to happen.


I am writing this because today I was listening to Bongino and he seemed to think they are separate things and wanted to know which one we had funded, and make no mistake, Fauci funded it.

Now here’s my point. They are one and the same. Remember, as I’ve discussed previously, gain of function research involves taking a virus that doesn’t infect humans and altering it so that it is now not only highly transmissible to humans but also lethal. That folks is the definition of developing a biological warfare entity.

The supposed reason is that we can find out what a pathogen that doesn’t exist could do so we can develop a vaccine against something that might never occur.

Now I’m pretty sure that the Fauci’s of the world will tell you that the difference is the reason you are developing the pathogen. If it’s to use as a weapon then it’s bad but if it’s to find a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist then it’s laudable. But just consider this. If you want to develop a lethal bio weapon, one of the first things you need to do before deploying it is to develop an effective antidote so you don’t kill your sell and your citizens. Thus gain of function research is the development of bio weapons. If you develop the pathogen and the antidote you have a bio weapon!