First, there is a rant I have been meaning to write for a few days on follow the money and I just haven’t gotten around to it but I will tomorrow.

Now the reason for this rant is that earlier today or maybe yesterday there what was described as a major earthquake in Alaska measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale. Now for those of you who don’t know, the Richter scale is a log scale. That means that a 7.1 is ten times more severe than a 6.1, and an 8.1 is 100x more severe than a 6.1 and a 9.1 is 1000x more severe than a 6.1. I was in a 9.3, the Good Friday earthquake, and so I always look at the stories about these supposed major quakes with a somewhat jaundiced eye.

Just to put that into perspective for you, a category one hurricane starts at 74 mph. A category five starts at I think 150 mph. That’s not even one notch on the Richter scale. A category 2 would have to be 740 mph! Forget about what a Category 5 would be.