I watched a bit of Biden’s speech today and apparently he is just a serial liar. Remember he’s still telling the lie about Trump saying the KKK and white supremacist groups were good people. That has been debunked countless times but Joe still spouts it.

Today he again spouted the nonsense that the Second Amendment prohibited people from owning cannons and I thought that had to be wrong and so went to look it up and the first result was an article from I think 2019 which was fact checking the same thing because Biden had said it in one of his campaign speeches. Guess what? There was no such prohibition and they contacted his campaign who couldn’t come up with any basis or support for the assertion. But Joe makes up a lie that he likes and he sticks with it — truth be damned!

1 thought on “LYIN JOE

  1. He also stated that it was about 5% of licensed gun dealers that were illegally trafficking guns to criminals. Since we’re talking about licensed gun dealers, we should know who all of them are and where they are. Now, if we know that 5% of them are involved in illegal sales, it seems to me that we know who they are, as well! And, if we know who they are, why hasn’t ATF shut them down and charges brought? We already have the laws on the books and the agencies responsible for their enforcement. We don’t need any new gun restrictions or special “task forces!”

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