The first is an article in line with my follow the money rant last week. It concerns the absolutely proven effectiveness of ivermectin in curing Covid. Read the article and you will be amazed. The important thing that was brought home to me is that the reason that Fauci and the FDA refuses to recognize the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin is that the vaccines are only approved for emergency use and to meet that standard there can’t be effective already available alternatives. This is a multi billion dollar scam and again someone needs to do a deep dive into the finances of Fauci and other deep state bureaucrats to find out which pigs are feeling at the trough.

The second link is to an article that totally debunks what you will hear from the global warming scamists. I guarantee that they will be claiming that now that Covid is pretty much gone what the lockdowns showed is that to fight global warming we need to continue or even worsen lockdowns. Read the article and you will see that reality is the opposite of their nonsense. I expect that only a couple of you will actually delve into it but the rest can easily discern the findings.