Ok today the Trump legal team gave its opening statement in their case for voter fraud and actually I learned nothing new but maybe you and the msm learned something. First Giuliani laid out the case for the normal voter fraud, on steroids, with unverified votes being counted without the legally required observation of monitors from both sides. Voter signatures were not verified and in Michigan which requires proof of identity, poll people were told that they could not require anyone voting to produce voter id. Additionally in many cases more people supposedly voted than were registered. (As an aside, does anyone seriously believe that Basement Biden got ten million more votes than Obama?)

in addition there is credible evidence that tens of thousands of ballots came in through the back door in the dark of night and were counted without any bipartisan review. This is all unconstitutional, and apparently there are 450,000 votes that were so hastily cobbled together that they only contained votes for Biden and no votes down ballots. Really? Who votes in a presidential election and only votes for president and not the senate and the congress? Nobody!

Now for the truly mind boggling news, which if you have been following closely you would already know as I did, Sydney Powell laid out the facts of the computer fraud perpetrated in this election. Dominion Voting along with Smartmatic rigged the election using software developed in Venezuela by Chavez cronies with the expressed purpose of rigging elections. The Smartmatic software was banned from the US ten years ago but got in as a subcontractor to Dominion. And in addition our votes were transmitted to Germany and Spain to be counted and then forwarded back here. In what alternate universe would our votes be counted in foreign countries using a software that was designed to cheat?

As Powell laid out the software was freely accessible to change votes by flipping votes for Trump to Biden or deleting Trump votes or adding Biden votes. Importantly the software could be programmed via an algorithm to count every Biden vote as 1.25 votes and every Trump vote as .75 votes and she said that’s exactly the algorithm that was used. The problem was that the actual Trump votes were much greater than expected and thus the algorithm wouldn’t cheat enough to win so they called a halt to the counting to allow time to bring in a sufficient amount of fraudulent votes to change the outcome. And Sydney has the sworn affidavits to prove it.

Clearly this was a fraudulent election and no matter what happens, we need to repair our voting systems to make sure that the votes are hand counted and not available for computer fraud. Otherwise the Dems will control all future elections.

One final point. Trump has already gained about 12,000 votes in Georgia with their bogus half assed audit. My question is assuming those votes were also for Perdue and would put him over the 50% mark to avoid a runoff why aren’t we hearing about that? Are they only looking at the presidential race and if so why?

Similarly in Clark County Nevada, Vegas baby, in one race they said it had to be redone or recounted. It was I believe 137,000 votes but only applied to one race and didn’t affect anyone else on the ballot like say Trump. How is that possible? If there was a glitch it affected every ballot and every race on that ballot!