Yesterday Rudy Giuliani argued a case for Trump before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and lost and I’ll get to the reason for the outcome in a moment, but first I want to talk about an article I saw today saying that Rudy didn’t do a great job. I don’t know because I didn’t hear the argument or review a transcript and so can’t opine on whether or not he did a great job but I can believe that. Rudy has never struck me as an effective orator. He just comes across as someone who is not all that persuasive. I think that Sydney Powell should have argued the case. She is much more effective.

Now having said that, let me explain why it didn’t matter. Rudy was arguing before the same partisan court — 5 Dems and 2 Republicans who unconstitutionally changed Pennsylvania voter laws by the same 5-2 margin allowing late votes and not requiring signatures to match or meaningful participation by Republican vote watchers — thus their was absolutely no way that the same partisan justices would ever overturn themselves. Rudy has said earlier that the goal was to get the case to the Supreme Court and now it will be going there.