Monthly Archives: October 2020


Today there was an article fact checking Obama’s speech yesterday and it listed 19 lies he told and then there were others, some of which I pointed out yesterday Biden and Obama seem to think that continuously lying with a straight face is all they need to do. Maybe they think that is the way to go because they got away with it for eight years.


First as I’m sure you know Biden totally got destroyed by Trump in the debate and has been trying to walk back and pretend he didn’t say everything he has said. You don’t need me to connect the dots.

The reason for this rant is because I saw portions of both Obama and Biden‘rallies’ today. Obama was ignorant as usual and ranted about how Trump had promised to do a lot of things and hadn’t delivered on any of them. Apparently he’s brain dead because as Trump and his administration frequently list promises made promises kept. For Obama that would be lies told and not kept.Perhaps the biggest lie he told today was that Trump promised to take care of the flyover states people but didn’t but Biden would. Really, they were flyover states because you and Joe ignored them and shipped their jobs and factories overseas. And then he claimed Trump shipped their jobs overseas. Remember this is the idiot, and I apologize to idiots because there is a village somewhere missing an idiot — Obama — that said how is Trump going to bring back the factories that Obama shipped overseas, wave a magic wand? Trump has brought back many factories that Obama sold out forever and he is trying to protect his horrible legacy that Trump has almost completely destroyed and with a second term will completely obliterate. Also is Obama unaware that Trump produced the lowest unemployment rates in history for blacks ( except for during slavery) and Hispanics and Asians and women in history? How is that ignoring American workers?

Obama also claimed that Trump was cozying up to tyrants. Really this is the idiot that sat glad handing with Raoul Castro, the President of a country that has murdered many of its citizens for political reasons, while an Islamic terrorist shot up the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando. Yeah he was a staunch opponent of tyrants except for the billions of dollars he gave to Iran to DELAY Iran from becoming a nuclear power for ten years.

Now you may wonder why Obama is still campaigning for Biden after Joe threw him under the bus in the debate. Well I saw information today that said the reason is because Obama put Biden on the ticket to gain access to the Biden crime family because he was a newbie that didn’t have that network. And emails are surfacing that make clear that Obama was also getting his cut of the Biden’s corruption.

Biden continues to rant about whu flu but has still not explained what he would have done different except for importantly importing more flu from China and Europe. His plan is to do more testing in the country that is testing much more than any country in the world and to mandate masks and shutdowns even though there is no scientific evidence to support them. As I have mentioned previously even the WHO has said lockdowns are bad and there is now a real scientific study from Denmark that says masks are useless but the phony scientific journals refuse to publish it because it debunks their non scientific unprovable bullshit.

BTW Obama also made fun of Trump for walking out of the sixty minutes interview claiming that if he can’t stand up to Leslie Stahl he’s a wuss that can’t stand up to foreign leaders he never stood up to. But more importantly, this is a president that never had to answer a more difficult question than boxers or briefs


As was the case with the V.P. debate if you look at the screen, there is no social distancing. I guess it only matters if it is used to close down economies until after the election to try to get you to vote for China Joe. Based on the information that has just come out he should be prosecuted instead of running for president. Vote Trump to keep this crime family out of the White House


Ok the media keeps pushing forward the intelligence that Russia is trying to get Trump re-elected. Now that on its face is nonsensical because Trump has been harder on Russia than his predecessors and in fact Biden and his his son hunter have gotten millions of dollars from Russia. What they don’t ever tell you is that China has been said by our intelligence agencies trying to influence the election in favor of Biden who they have bought and paid for and will control if he is elected.


In case you missed it, over 80% of new whu flu cases are people who wore masks. What does that tell you about the effectiveness of masks?

Additionally, all the supposed spikes in new cases are in places that had mask mandates. So what does that tell you? The left never admits the obvious and anyone who points it out like Dr. Scott Atlas gets banned from social media. People stand up for an end to the nonsense.


I don’t mind the mute button so slow joe can dissemble because he can’t keep it together for two minutes.

However, I think for it to be fair, Trump should also have a mute button to shut up the Dem activist moderator who I guarantee will interrupt Trump during his supposed two minutes and will probably interrupt Biden to try to save him from himself. Trump needs to be able to mute her for any chance of fairness.


Just saw that the Supreme Court let stand a lower court decision that allows contrary to law mail in ballots in Pennsylvania up to three days after the election and if postmark was illegible it was to be considered timely. Guess what. The decision was 4-4 with Roberts siding with the left. Thank god that ACB will be confirmed before the election because there are several cases that the Supremes will hear that could impact the election. As I said previously, Roberts is a fraud that votes whatever way he thinks the wind is blowing. We need an actual constitutionalist that will follow the law instead of trying to ingratiate himself with the cocktail party crowd in Washington.


I saw today that there are supposedly no or very few cases of the normal flu even though Fauci the fraud has predicted that it would be Armageddon. Here’s my guess. All flu cases are being counted as whu flu to jack up the numbers and continue to try to scare you into voting for the party that couldn’t care less about you. Don’t do it.


Not three times. Just once as I did today. Don’t wait. Get off your butt and do it. It only took about twenty minutes. Maybe less. But equally as important, be sure to vote republican down the entire ballot even if you don’t like them all.

Listen, I don’t like either of our senators. They are both swamp rats. Fortunately Burr has already said he won’t run for re-election in either two or four years, I don’t remember which, and at that time we can put in an actual conservative. Apparently, he’s made enough from graft and corruption so he doesn’t need to face public scrutiny anymore.

Tills is no different, but at least he backs Trump and his nominees. Remember I am confident that Trump will win big, but he won’t be able to do anything if he loses the Senate. It would be wonderful to keep the senate and take the House as happened in his last election but this time we won’t have spineless Paul Ryan as speaker, we will get Kevin McCarthy and they will push his agenda and not their own. And we can finally send Pelosi to the nuthouse where she belongs.

It’s also important to get rid of our looney governor who destroyed our economy and continues to do so for political reasons and not based on any science. As an aside, today Trump called out Fauci and others as idiots and I couldn’t agree more but as I have said many times Fauci is revered on the left because he is pushing their agenda in a transparent and pathetic attempt to prolong his 15 minutes of fame. Trump shouldn’t make that kind of off hand statement. What he should do if he wants to go there is, with the help of Scott Atlas, point out everything that has been proven false about Fauci’s nonsense from masks to shutdowns. Even WHO has now said lockdowns are a bad idea. God knows there is plethora of evidence out there as I have ranted about frequently. So don’t do it half assed. Lay it all out and end the tyranny of this two faced media whore. And recently I have seen a few articles finally saying that.

One other and important reason to get out even if you’re in a state like Maryland that will go for Joe is that it’s important to get your vote counted in the popular vote. Last time Hillary won California by 4.3 million votes and she won the popular vote by 3 million votes, so she lost the rest of the country by 1.3 million votes. It’s very important this year to get out and make sure that Trump wins the popular vote so that Dems claims of an invalid presidency will be muted.

Now as I’ve said before the polls are fake news designed to keep you from voting. Don’t buy their gaslighting.

Just one more point to demonstrate how fake the msm is. Bloomberg news put out a story saying Biden’s election would better for the oil industry. In what alternative universe is electing the guy who says he will abolish the oil industry better for the oil industry. They must think we’re all brain dead like their candidate.


Tomorrow I will put up a long rant on the need to vote but tonight I just want to comment on one thing from Nutty Nancy. She said today that she doesn’t want to clean up the dung from Trump’s policies. Hey Nancy, before you worry about that, why don’t you clean up the shit on the streets of San Francisco. You’re a fraud and everyone knows it.