Monthly Archives: October 2020


Ok I know you would expect me to condemn Facebook and Twitter and I do and they should be broken up and section 230 should be repealed and these cites should be made vulnerable to lawsuits claiming they are not neutral platforms. They are leftist parties pushing a leftist agenda.

Now here’s my real point. I am not on any social media platforms and I still am aware of the Biden crime family. You don’t need to be on social media to find out what’s going on. If you only get your news from these sites than you are an idiot. Check out the full internet and don’t rely on Facebook and Twitter. They don’t represent the vast majority of the people in this country


I wish I could find where I read it today, but the validity of the Hunter emails has already been confirmed. The email account of the Ukrainian was verified and was a Burisma email account going back to 2014. The Biden Campaign is not even really contesting it. Instead they’re counting on big tech and the drive by media and unfortunately for Biden the attempt to cover it up has resulted in 6X more people knowing about it.


Now first let me say that ACB once again was the silent assassin swatting away her inferiors.

That said, I am as always amazed at the hypocrisy of the left. Today they focused on the Voting Rights Act to try to take down ACB. Now as all of you know who read my rants, the Dems opposed the act and in fact Biden and in fact all the Dems including Hillary and Feinstein and Schumer and Pelosi all praised Robert Byrd, the former grand unicorn or something of the KKK who filibustered against the act and now they want to pretend like it was their work. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The other thing that always gets my goat is when people like Corey Booker and descendant of slave owners Kamala Harris start talking about poll taxes and Jim Crow laws without admitting that it was their party that imposed those laws. I’m sorry you don’t get a free pass and this is one of many reasons that I could never be nominated and approved for a federal judge position. I couldn’t sit quietly and listen to bullshit. It’s not in my nature and I would have figuratively gutted them both.


First this is going to be long so get yourself a libation. Today’s hearing on ACB was a travesty.

Now ACB is a saint. Nobody should have to sit quietly and attentively and listen to the bullshit put up by the Dems. I know I couldn’t. She was incredible in listening to her clearly Intellectually inferiors ask inane questions that she couldn’t answer because it would violate judicial canons of ethics to create sound clips and talking points for political fund raising pleas.

I am really amazed that she sat with no notes while her accusers had to read their questions because they couldn’t do them on their own. Never before has any nominee been so far the intellectual superior of her questioners than today. Only Ted Cruz was anywhere close to her intellect. And I was particularly impressed because not only did she have no notes before her but she had no binders to refer to during the hearing. Now as one of you knows, at her age I could have done the same thing if questioned about my expertise but I would never been so confident as to have not have binders because I would never have trusted them to not misrepresent or misquote what I said. She’s awesome.

Now let’s talk about the areas of the questioning. The biggest focus was on Obamacare because when confirmed she will deal with a case on November 11th that could end Obamacare. None of the Dems dealt with the actual cesspool that was this ridiculous piece of legislation. Lest you forget, Obamacare was passed by an parliamentary slight of hand after Scott Brown won Ted, oh was there a woman I left to drown, Kennedy’s seat thus upholding a senate filibuster under the normal rules. And then Pelosi told us you had to pass it to find out what’s in it. Obama said if you like your plan or your doctors you can keep them. Voted the lie of the year. The website was a disaster and cost skyrocketed

To uphold this disaster Chief Justice Roberts rewrote the statute to say that the penalty for not buying health insurance was a tax and not a penalty even though Obama and his attorneys said it wasn’t. And now they want ACB to say he was right and that decision is unassailable. You know I have have already told you that the statute will implode without the mandate. She correctly refused to answer and I don’t understand how supposedly a majority of the present court could think the statute is severable from the mandate.

The Dems spent much of their time crying about people who would lose their health care if Obamacare is overturned. First that’s totally irrelevant. I know I’m a curmudgeon but that is totally beside the point. You don’t decide cases by crocodile tears. You decide cases by the statute at issue and Obamacare has always been unconstitutional. And so the effects on people who got something unconstitutionally is irrelevant. Let me posit this. Suppose a statute was passed that said white families had to pay a tax of one thousand dollars a month to black families and then later a Republican majority eliminated the tax and then the Dems said that would hurt black families that had relied on it. The only constitutionally correct answer is that’s too bad but doesn’t change the law.

Next they want to talk about Roe v. Wade. That decision was never grounded in strong constitutional principles. Even the notorious RBG said so. And I will say again that there is no way the founders or those responsible for the 14th Amendment would ever have dreamed that they would be supporting abortion. As I have said before, the states can allow abortion but it’s not a constitutional right.

And they also want to talk about Obergefell, the case that that said same sex marriage was a constitutional right. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have no problem with states passing laws that allow it and would support them. Listen if you find love with someone of the same sex and want to marry them then I have no problem with that. Someone’s religion should not control your decision. However that should not be confused a constitutional right.

At the end of the day, ACB is one of the most outstanding nominees to the Supreme Court ever and the Dems know it. She will be confirmed


This is what you may not know about Obamacare without the mandate. It falls apart and should be overturned in the Supreme Court.

Listen the mandate was the lynchpin for Obamacare. This ridiculous piece of legislation depends on people having to buy insurance. Without it, the insurance companies have to offer insurance to anybody at any time without regard to preexisting conditions. You wouldn’t have to buy insurance until you were on your way into the hospital for a million dollar procedure. And then you could discontinue paying insurance until the next time you need it. No insurance company can survive when people only pay when they are going to be incurring massive bills disproportionate to their insurance payments. That was the purpose of the mandate because Obamacare can’t work without it. No one is pointing this out so once again you get the brilliance of my observations.

BTW most of the people that the Dems are talking about are actually on Medicaid not Obamacare.


In his opening remarks, Graham said he was holding a hearing because the American people deserve to hear from ACB even with all the noise on the radio suggesting he skip to the end. Then he said that’s why he doesn’t listen to the radio much. As you know from my rants, this was clearly a shot at Rush. Interestingly, I caught the beginning of his show on the way to HT and he either missed it or ignored it.


Watching Levin and it appears to be the perfect time for this rant. I‘ve been in Florida for twenty days since the middle of September in two different visits. The point of this rant is that the majority of Americans are lemmings. On my first visit there were still some state wide restrictions. On my second visit, the governor had removed all restrictions and guess what, nothing changed.

So my takeaway was that the people in this country are lemmings. The purpose of this fascist nonsense was to test how far they could go and get away with destroying your rights and unfortunately way too many people are willing to give up their rights. This was a test to see how far they could go in getting you to follow some nonsense about to getting you to go in giving up everything for their gllobal warming nonsense. And you failed miserably.

You have become lemmings. You need to stand up for your rights and push back for your rights. I went to KFC today and they still don’t win house dining , but guess what, they still don’t have in house dining in Florida either even there are no restrictions. This is total nonsense.

Forget for the moment that there is absolutely no scientific evidence for any of this nonsense. Instead consider the fact that you are spineless lemmings who are willing to blindly give up your freedom because some fascist governor says so. Grow up and stand up for your rights. Or just except that you are willing to become Venezuela and end up with no rights.

People please stand up for your rights and vote for Trump to protect them!


Okay. I wasn’t going to comment on Pelosi until tomorrow but since I’m on a roll I might as well keep going. Yesterday I said that pelosi’s 25th amendment nonsense was just another attempt to try to stop Trump.

Today, Trump and Newt and Rush said it was really about trying to set the stage for removing Biden and putting Harris in. Maybe and I think in some ways it makes more sense. However, the timing is suspect. Why now just before the election if she’s not trying to suggest that Trump is demented?

On the other hand, she clearly knows that the bill has no chance at becoming law now because it will never pass the senate and even if it did Trump would veto it. More importantly under the amendment even if it passed the vp would have to agree and Pence would never do that.

So that lends support to the position of Trump and the others. And it makes sense because Pelosi couldn’t introduce it after the election if Biden won because the purpose would be to obvious. One thing you can be sure of is that Kamala would eagerly say Biden was incapable. Joe needs to hire a food tester if he cheats his way into the White House.


Just watching Laura and she played a bit from Biden in Arizona where he was waxing ineloquently about pre existing conditions and he said pregnancy was considered a pre existing condition for women but was covered for men. Just writing that made me chuckle. If I ever got pregnant that would definitely need to be covered under the impossibility clause.