First as I’m sure you know Biden totally got destroyed by Trump in the debate and has been trying to walk back and pretend he didn’t say everything he has said. You don’t need me to connect the dots.

The reason for this rant is because I saw portions of both Obama and Biden‘rallies’ today. Obama was ignorant as usual and ranted about how Trump had promised to do a lot of things and hadn’t delivered on any of them. Apparently he’s brain dead because as Trump and his administration frequently list promises made promises kept. For Obama that would be lies told and not kept.Perhaps the biggest lie he told today was that Trump promised to take care of the flyover states people but didn’t but Biden would. Really, they were flyover states because you and Joe ignored them and shipped their jobs and factories overseas. And then he claimed Trump shipped their jobs overseas. Remember this is the idiot, and I apologize to idiots because there is a village somewhere missing an idiot — Obama — that said how is Trump going to bring back the factories that Obama shipped overseas, wave a magic wand? Trump has brought back many factories that Obama sold out forever and he is trying to protect his horrible legacy that Trump has almost completely destroyed and with a second term will completely obliterate. Also is Obama unaware that Trump produced the lowest unemployment rates in history for blacks ( except for during slavery) and Hispanics and Asians and women in history? How is that ignoring American workers?

Obama also claimed that Trump was cozying up to tyrants. Really this is the idiot that sat glad handing with Raoul Castro, the President of a country that has murdered many of its citizens for political reasons, while an Islamic terrorist shot up the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando. Yeah he was a staunch opponent of tyrants except for the billions of dollars he gave to Iran to DELAY Iran from becoming a nuclear power for ten years.

Now you may wonder why Obama is still campaigning for Biden after Joe threw him under the bus in the debate. Well I saw information today that said the reason is because Obama put Biden on the ticket to gain access to the Biden crime family because he was a newbie that didn’t have that network. And emails are surfacing that make clear that Obama was also getting his cut of the Biden’s corruption.

Biden continues to rant about whu flu but has still not explained what he would have done different except for importantly importing more flu from China and Europe. His plan is to do more testing in the country that is testing much more than any country in the world and to mandate masks and shutdowns even though there is no scientific evidence to support them. As I have mentioned previously even the WHO has said lockdowns are bad and there is now a real scientific study from Denmark that says masks are useless but the phony scientific journals refuse to publish it because it debunks their non scientific unprovable bullshit.

BTW Obama also made fun of Trump for walking out of the sixty minutes interview claiming that if he can’t stand up to Leslie Stahl he’s a wuss that can’t stand up to foreign leaders he never stood up to. But more importantly, this is a president that never had to answer a more difficult question than boxers or briefs