Monthly Archives: April 2020


The continuing mantra on the left,and unfortunately for Trump, is that we need more testing. However, they never explain why. What’s the purpose? If we find that someone who has no symptoms tests positive, what are we supposed to do? Lock them up and do a Nazi branding of anyone they may have talked to. This is total nonsense. Hitler would be proud! And it has no proven purpose other than keeping the economy closed for as long as possible.

Listen, we don’t need more testing. If you have the symptoms and are seriously sick, then go to the hospital. Everyone else, lead your life as you always have. Don’t let the left destroy everything you have worked for to further their socialist agenda.

All the nonsense about more testing needs to be called out. Please explain to me, other than some potential post event data, what the purpose is?

Lastly, continue to ask why this virus is more important than the common flu. I don’t know what the present numbers are but last I checked there were far more deaths from the common flu this season in NC than from the Wuhan virus. Why don’t we close down every year because of the common flu?

BTW if you test me today and it comes out negative, it doesn’t mean that if you test me next week it will still be negative.


Trump has caved to the swamp. His original executive order would have suspended virtually all immigration for the duration of the pandemic, but once it got thrown into the swamp, it became a paper tiger. The end result is that only a hundred thousand or so will actually be prevented from coming in. All the people who are being imported to take jobs from citizens who are qualified for tech jobs and are now out of work will still be unemployed. This is a travesty.

When you hear from Beto and others that this is about the people who pick our fruit and vegetables, it’s not.

I am reminded about the ending speech from The American President where Michael Douglas says he was too busy keeping his job to do his job. That’s what’s going on now which I never expected would be the case with Trump. I still believe that he is much better than anything the Dems will put up, but I am sincerely disappointed that he has allowed himself to be compromised. I voted for him because I wanted him to drain the swamp and do what’s right for us and he did before this faux crisis. I guess we can never have a president who is immune to the corruption of the swamp!


Alright as I have been saying, it is becoming more and more evident that the so-called science is just a bunch of guesses by people who love the limelight and are thrilled that their SWAG is controlling this country. I have pointed out previous respected experts who have questioned the supposed efficacy of social distancing and the lockdown. Below is a link to an article that lays out the conclusions of an Israeli expert who actually did the work and concluded that their is no difference in the outcomes between countries who locked down and those who didn’t.

Furthermore, I have previously talked about the Stanford study of the actual infection rate in Santa Clara country in California as compared to the diagnosed infection rate. It is 50 to 85 times higher than the diagnosed numbers. This means that the actual mortality rate is about the same as the rate for the common flu.

Now before I continue, I have to point out that yesterday Rush had what appeared to be a Biden moment. In the middle of a rant about the subject of my previous paragraph, he totally lost his place and then when he finally remembered what he wanted to say, he confused the death rate with the actual number of deaths. He seemed to think that the death rate and the mortality rate were different things. They are not. They are the same thing. In the determination of how deadly this is, the numerator is the actual number of deaths and the denominator is the total number of infections. Now I was willing to give him a pass but he did it again today!

Now it has also come out today that USC did a study and found that in LA the actual infection rate is 30 to 55 times higher than the the diagnosed cases. This is consistent with the Stanford study.

The reason that I am pointing this out is because on the way to the cigar store today I heard on Rush that yesterday Dr. Birx was asked about the USC study and he played her response. Her response was basically a bunch of gobbledygook about a-symptomatic versus symptomatic folks and age groups. Now here’s what she said and Rush didn’t pick up on. She said that this is our working hypothesis and there IS NO DATA TO SUPPORT IT but we are sticking with it because we think it’s the best way to go.

Here’s the link.

Are you willing to put your future in the hands of people who are making it up as they go with an incentive to preach Armageddon so they can stay on TV?


Earlier this evening I switched to the daily coronavirus briefing and caught Trump defending the shutdown. I didn’t hear the question, but I felt sorry for Trump because he was forced to defend the shutdown. I know he really believes that he should have never shutdown our economy but was forced to do so by the false predictions. He said that if he didn’t do it we would be looking at more than a million deaths.

As I have previously said, there is no proven scientific evidence to support this nonsense. In fact there are now studies showing that what he did actually was counterproductive. It appears that the more you get outside and exercise the less likely you are to get the virus or if you do it will be undetectable.

People I want to emphasize one more time, computer models are not science. They are SWAG. I feel sorry for Trump because he was forced to do something that he knew in his heart was wrong and now has to defend it.


I have determined that I need to follow on my earlier rant needs to be explored more fully. So here’s my question? How many of you actually know what was being taught to your children?

If you are like me, you don’t know. My kids came to me for help on algebra I or algebra II or geometry or calculus. They never came to me for help with social studies or history or American history. That was a fault of ours. The indoctrination of our children occurred without our knowledge because we didn’t take the time to find out what our kids were actually being taught. We should have

I have a grandson and I will make sure that he knows reality and not socialist propaganda.


I saw a few articles today that actually made me laugh. It appears now that the left and their teacher union toadies are worried that if we keep schools closed and parents are intimately involved in their children’s education, their socialist indoctrination in schools will be exposed and they might actually have to teach instead of brainwash our kids.

I find it funny that their is a growing fissure on the left between those who want to destroy the economy to destroy Trump and some who are recognizing that all their hard work indoctrinating the next generations may be canceled.


First the question: I read a couple of articles today that said that yesterday was by far the most deaths so far — more than double the previous daily high — and my question is that the result of Comrade Bill deeming over 3,700 deaths as Wuhan flu deaths when they were never tested? Listen 3,700 is 50% higher than the previous high. I looked quite a bit and couldn’t find anything that indicated whether or not de Blasio’s decree was the reason. I suspect it was because I haven’t seen this supposed spike discussed anywhere today. If any of you have seen something that would cast light on this, please let me know.

Now for the information part, today I saw that I believe Stanford conducted a study in Santa Clara county to see just how many people have actually been exposed to this virus. That county was hard hit by the virus. They found that the actual infection rate was 85 times higher than the diagnosed cases. This of course means as I have been saying that this denominator in the mortality calculation is way bigger than what the supposed experts are using and that this virus is no where near as deadly as they are trying to sell to keep the economy shut down to hurt Trump.

Please make them actually prove something before we continue destroying our economy and the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans.