The continuing mantra on the left,and unfortunately for Trump, is that we need more testing. However, they never explain why. What’s the purpose? If we find that someone who has no symptoms tests positive, what are we supposed to do? Lock them up and do a Nazi branding of anyone they may have talked to. This is total nonsense. Hitler would be proud! And it has no proven purpose other than keeping the economy closed for as long as possible.

Listen, we don’t need more testing. If you have the symptoms and are seriously sick, then go to the hospital. Everyone else, lead your life as you always have. Don’t let the left destroy everything you have worked for to further their socialist agenda.

All the nonsense about more testing needs to be called out. Please explain to me, other than some potential post event data, what the purpose is?

Lastly, continue to ask why this virus is more important than the common flu. I don’t know what the present numbers are but last I checked there were far more deaths from the common flu this season in NC than from the Wuhan virus. Why don’t we close down every year because of the common flu?

BTW if you test me today and it comes out negative, it doesn’t mean that if you test me next week it will still be negative.