Dennis Miller said on one of his stand up routines that one of the callers on his radio show referred to Pelosi as a Bond villain named Pelosigalore. I disagree. She should be referred to as Cruella de Ripper. She isn’t smart at all. What she is good at is raising money. She bought her way into the speakership.

The only reason she was able to get the 30 plus Dems who won in districts that Trump won biggly is because she threatened to withhold money for their reelection campaigns if they didn’t toe the party line.

Ok. Here’s the reason for this rant. Pelosi tore up Trump’s State of the Union not because it was full of lies but because it was the truth. Trump exposed the policies of her and Obama as utter nonsense aimed at hurting us rather than helping us. She had the audacity to claim that the continuing record setting stock market was the result of Obama’s policy. Really, don’t forget that Paul Krugman, a Nobel prize winning economist, said that if Trump won the stock market would crash and never recover. Why does this idiot still have a job?

Pelosi knows that allowing Schiff and the bowling ball to go forward with their evidence free impeachment was a disaster but she also knew that if they didn’t rush this bullshit through Trump would easily get re-elected. Now because their coup failed spectacularly Trump will win biggly and she will fade into the sunset and continue hanging upside down from the ceiling at night.