I know at least one of you think that Magoo’s prisoner exchange sealed his victory in 2024. I think that’s ridiculous. Listen Magoo traded basically a war criminal for an anti-American lesbian basketball player who knelt for the national anthem. And more importantly he left behind a former marine who actually put his life on the line for this country. Just like his botched exit from Afghanistan. Magoo doesn’t care about anything but pandering to what he perceives to be his far left base.

He should never have accepted this deal. It’s incredibly stupid. Griner broke Russian law and was sentenced accordingly. She’s not the victim of some Russian plot. I don’t care if you think that their law is wrong. It’s their law and if you go there then you must abide by it. Don’t go to an Islamic country and proudly proclaim your gayness. It’s not going to end well.

On the other hand the marine was imprisoned on a bs spying charge. Deal with reality and not woke bs.

Here’s my point, if Griner comes back and takes a knee during the anthem, Magoo is toast. If the deal was you can only get one in exchange for the war criminal then you either get the marine or you don’t make the exchange and contrary to what one of you apparently thinks, very few people give a shit about Griner. They don’t care if she had to serve out her sentence and would never have traded the merchant of death for her worthless ass!