This is a difficult issue. IVF, as I’m sure you know stands for In Vitro Fertilization and is a procedure where an egg from a WOMAN is fertilized by sperm from a MAN in a test tube, hence the vitro portion which stands for glass and led to the term test tube babies.

The process is used to create an embryo which can then be inserted into a womb and provide a child for a woman or a couple who can’t successfully reproduce the fun way. In this process typically they create multiple embryos because there is no guarantee that the first implant will carry to term. I know that my daughter had at least three tries before success and resulted in my beautiful granddaughter.

The unused embryos are typically frozen in case the first try doesn’t work. And this leads to the problem that I think was wrongly addressed by the Alabama Supreme Court. I’m all for protecting human life but suppose you created ten embryos and the first took. Then you have nine embryos that are determined to be human beings and typically they would be destroyed. What does that court think should be done with these ‘babies’? Are you required to try for nine more babies?

This is the problem that can occur when you go too far to stop abortions. Yes prevent abortions after 15 weeks. No don’t apply the same rules to frozen embryos as you do to live and growing in the womb babies.