First a few of you know but for the rest, on Tuesday I got home from ten days in the hospital because my back went totally wack. I couldn’t get out of my recliner and had to call the EMT’s to get me to the hospital. I’m now starting to slowly get back to normal’.

Now about the supposed debate. I think the biggest losers were the moderators, including Dana, who although praised by the Five as expected, was terrible and inspite of the Five praising her eyes she looked like a cross between a raccoon and the hamburgler. And her questions were lame. I can’t remember a single thing that Stuart Varney said other than screwing up the Univision socialist’s introduction. And she should have never been there to start with. She didn’t ask a single question just recited left wing Hispanic talking points and then basically cutting off any real response. It was just when did you stop beating your wife gotcha bs.

Now with respect to the candidates, I think the winners were RDS and Burgum. RDS because he did much better than last and slapped away bs tries to damage him. I think it will keep him number two.

And Burgum because he made great points when given the chance to actually talk. It was clear that the moderators had their favorites and tried to freeze the rest out.

They need to either eliminate debates or change the format so everyone gets an equal opportunity to speak.

I continue to be surprised by pundits praising Nikki Haley. She is just a swamp creature straight out of the Bush Cheney McCain globalist neocon war machine. She’s not even leading in her home state.

Take away — the only real winner was Fox Business and I believe that if the next debate isn’t significantly different ratings will crater.