Trump said yesterday that on his first day in office he will sign an EO banning birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens and birth tourism. I’m sure you know what the first category is and the second is people who legally come to the country while very pregnant, have a child and then claim American citizenship for the kid go back to China or wherever and then use the kid as an anchor baby to get the whole family dual citizenship.

I say great! It’s about time and I fault Trump for not doing it in his first term and this goes to a point I made before. In his first term, he still had to be concerned about reelection. In a second term he can truly be the proverbial bull in a china shop. He can do what he wanted to last time without fear because there would be no next time.

Now I have ranted about this before and you can look it up. I will not repeat it. However I will point out the point I made before. Namely the Supreme Court has never addressed this issue even though the left tries to pretend otherwise. Do it! I like my chances with this court.