Monthly Archives: October 2022


Magoo has been taking credit for weeks now because his raiding the petroleum reserves to sell it to China and lower prices and compromise our national security resulted in some reduction but most was because the higher prices diminished demand.

So now after kissing the asses of the mullah and the Saudi prince they told him to pound sand are are reducing production by 2 million barrels a day and it had an immediate effect. Yesterday gas prices at the local Speedways was $3.11. Today it is $3.49. And now the election is close and prices will only get worse, and it will kill the Dems chances.


Today they had a segment about an educator being fired for being too tough on grading. Apparently he was teaching an organic chemistry course and the people on the Five were sure that was the course that ended the dream of many would be doctors because it was so hard and washed out many people. And I’m pretty sure they would also have to pass calculus and maybe not differential equations but at least calculus so you couldn’t bullshit your way in.

Now you who have followed my nonsense know that I consider all those courses a piece of cake. But the point of this rant is they mentioned that lawyers need some difficult stuff also and it occurred to me that that’s not true. There is absolutely no gateway course like organic chemistry to become a lawyer. An elementary education major can get in law school! I have always considered lawyers and doctors to be pretty much on the same level but now I realize that people have to be able to pass some courses to get into medical school and the same is not true for lawyers.


First it’s been a few days since I ranted because its been pretty much the same old same old. You don’t need me to tell you that Don Lemon and Joy Behar couldn’t reach double digits IQ if they added theirs together. And you don’t need me to tell you that Joy Reid and Kamala are blatant racists or Magoo sees dead people.

So why am I ranting today? Because I saw today that the FBI said today that there is no credible threats to election systems. Given this political FBI, it means one of two things. Either there’s very credible threats to election systems or they have already been compromised and the fix is in!