Yesterday the article in the first link appeared citing that Boston University had created, apparently through gain of function research, a new strain with an 80% kill rate. And today Bongino ran with all his usual bluff and bluster and I tried unsuccessfully to contact him so he could do a cleanup in aisle six type thing and as usual he ignored me. Dan doesn’t like to admit he’s wrong!

At any rate, Alex Berenson put out the second article linked below and it totally debunks the first one and Bongino. The gist is that BU combined the original Wuhan virus with omicron and produced a virus that is less lethal than the original and more lethal than omicron. The 80% kill rate is true but that’s it mice. The original Wuhan virus had a 100% kill rate in mice. Enjoy

BTW this is exactly why I started this blog in the first place because it drives me crazy when talking heads pontificate about that of which they are clueless!