Monthly Archives: September 2022


Please tell me why Fox News is running commercials that encourage people to get Covid boosters when the data clearly indicates that they are harmful and more likely to end in bad outcomes than not being vaccinated at all much less boosted. This is the height of disinformation!

And it’s all based on the unproven and unable to be proven counter factual nonsense that the vaccines and boosters will result in a a better outcome for you. There is absolutely zero chance that they know and could prove this.

Hell I don’t understand why anyone is still pushing the jab when it’s demonstrably proven that not only doesn’t it work but increases your odds for a bad outcome. As always I think you have to follow the money. Which politicians and swamp creatures are getting paid to push this crap.


I’m sure you have all heard about about the FBI seizing the cellphones of Trump’s lawyers and confidants including just recently Mike Lindell the my pillow guy and it raises serious constitutional questions. But my point. Instead of issuing subpoenas which you could move to quash, they got warrants which allowed them to seize them and then after it was too late you could contest it.

Now here’s my point. If the republicans take back one or both houses of Congress, they need to demand to see the basis for these warrants and consider impeachment of the judges who issued them. This has to stop and the only way it will is when people are held accountable and suffer consequences, including not only the judges but also the FBI liars who provided the false affidavits to get the warrants.


On the Chris Salcedo show he had a guest named John Lott whose group did a study of the voting in the 14 swing states during the last election and they found that few of them complied with federal law which requires them to keep a record of who voted and how many votes were cast.

But here’s the point of this rant. The one county that claimed to have impeccable voter data was Cobb County. The problem is that there were 30,000 more votes than people who voted. And where is Cobb County you ask? It’s Atlanta where we saw the suitcases pulled out and counted as many as three times and it has never been debunked. Let’s not forget that Magoo ‘won’ Georgia by 12,000 votes.


I saw this article today which suggests that the reason shrek wears hoodies is because of a large lump on the back of his neck and an actual picture is in the link. Now I’m not going to diagnose what the problem is because I’m not anything close to a medical doctor.

However in the original post I saw there were a few more pictures and one meme where the lump was painted with his face on it. And this immediately reminded me of a movie I saw in the mid-sixties called the Manster. It was about a guy injected by Japanese scientists and he grew a second head.

Anyway enjoy.


Watching Levin and the thing that struck me about the whole controversy surrounding a Special Master is the fact that while it might have some effect on the potential criminal case against Trump, I have exactly zero percent belief that even if they are forced to return his medical records and tax records and other things stolen from his house that they don’t have copies and will use them to illegally try to destroy him.


A new word that I only heard of in the last couple of days. Apparently the socialist history professors think and teach that everything in the past must be viewed in light of today’s norms. It’s total nonsense. You can’t judge what was done in the 1700’s by what we know today anymore than you can pretend that the climate on earth began in 1970. It yields nonsense but unfortunately that’s what the left is doing and it’s destroying our history and our culture.


I am sure you have seen and heard about Lake Powell reaching record lows and everyone is claiming it’s due to climate change. Today I saw the linked article and it explains in detail what’s really happening.

Here’s the short version. The Colorado River was dammed to create a huge lake in the middle of a desert. Every year until recently the annual rainfall was more than sufficient to replace the demand for water from Las Vegas and from irrigation to farm desert land. As you will see from the charts and graphs in the article is that the input has not changed but due to continued growth of both Vegas and agricultural the lake is being drained. Of course you are unlikely to see this anywhere in the msm but at least now you will know what’s really happening and it ain’t global warming.


I hope most of you saw that Magoo and his cronies are back to the tactics of Obama and Eric Holder using consent decrees to get what they couldn’t get otherwise. Here’s how the scam works. The EPA or some other agency wants to enact a regulation that they know they can’t get through proper rulemaking under the APA ( Administrative Procedures Act) and so they put out a regulation that’s short of what they want and with a wink and a nod encourage some environmental groups to challenge the rule in court and when they do they enter into a settlement that gives them what they wanted but couldn’t get legally and then they get the court to enter a consent decree making it legal and binding. Now this needs to stop because it’s a blatant violation of law and I’ve ranted about it before.

Now the reason I bring this up is because today I saw that Magoo’s regime is up to the same thing. This morning I saw that they entered into a consent decree with the Sierra Club to forbid oil and gas leasing on over 1 million acres of federal land. First I’m pretty sure actually enacted federal legislation requires a certain amount of leasing every year and Magoo has been fighting it since he entered office and the courts have had some different decisions and I don’t know what the actual state of the law is at this moment but this is another clear end run around the law.

This morning I saw a few articles about this but as so often happens I couldn’t find them but this time I put in the effort to find confirmation for the story and found it on the Sierra Club site.


So Maria Bartiromo put out this morning that bat shit crazy Nancy would be appointed ambassador to Italy if the Dems loose control of the house and that immediately brought to mind a couple of points which I will elucidate a little later because then Pelosi’s office came out and denied it.

There are a couple of things that make me think that Bartiromo is right.

First, Pelosi had no alternative than to deny it. You can’t be running for re-election and tell voters that you will abandon your constituents if you win but the party doesn’t. I think that even the communists of San Francisco would have to question why bother to vote for her. And it also emphasizes the fact that with all the bs being spewed about a blue comeback. They know that they are going to lose badly.

Now here’s what I first thought. Pelosi doesn’t speak Italian. Hell she can barely speak English, but I did see today that our ambassador residence In Rome sits on 7 acres in one of the most most exclusive areas and includes several buildings including a three story wine cellar and is valued between $500 million and $1 billion. So that sounds like a typical Pelosi scam.

But now for what I think is going on. Pelosi wants to get the hell out of dodge before republicans can subpoena her sorry ass for all the crimes she committed, particularly her failure to protect the Capitol and I believe her involvement in inciting the J6 riot.

The only real question is could she get confirmed? That all depends on what happens in the senate elections. If the Dems hold onto control, she’s a shoe in. But if republicans take back control, which I think they will do, the question will be how big the majority and will it be enough to counter RINO’s that will continue to roll over to the swamp.

Now that I think of it, for maximum protection it would need to be done between the election and January when the new Congress will be seated and that means the Dems have the votes!