This is a rant I have been meaning to write for about a week and then I saw today that VDH beat me to it.

Enjoy, but I think he was too nice and so I will comment. The morons are all box checks for Magoo. Few have any actual competency. Mayor Pete checked the gay box. He was a lousy mayor in South Bend who couldn’t even get potholes fixed so clearly a transportation expert. To fulfill his gay appointment he spent two months breastfeeding while the supply chain imploded. Great job.

Granholm, the Secretary of energy knows absolutely nothing about energy and thinks high gas prices are funny. She’s clueless and in so far over her head it’s like she is on the bottom of the Grand Canyon and her job is giving tours of the rim.

The Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland, is a Native American so interior is the place for her because all the land belongs to her anyway. No expertise in oil and gas. Nuff said!

Alejandro Mayorkas , DHI, is apparently of Jewish ancestors but was born in Cuba. He’s a congenital lying dog faced pony soldier and always looks to me like he got left in the desiccator too long.

Bottom line, this is what you get when you check boxes and not competencies where the only thing that matters is open borders and destruction of fossil fuels.

PS I renewed the site today so you have the misfortune of being exposed to three more years of my bs.