Ok I have been telling you for a while that this left was using Covid as a test run to see just how much you are willing to be lemmings on global warming. And sure enough they are starting the nonsense again. Yesterday I got a note from the weather channel about some ridiculous study that supposedly determined that because of global warming there will be an overwhelming increase in in category 3 to 5 hurricanes. I put up a link to an article showing what actually happened over the last hundred years and it proved that the supposed global warming resulted in fewer of those storms. And then today I saw an article that talking about a study claiming New York will experience a one in 500 years storm every five years. If you have a double digit IQ you know that is total bullshit. It just shows that the left is becoming more desperate.

Fortunately Trump took the bs head on last week and he is one of the few politicians willing to call out the nonsense. Most, including republicans, tippy toe around the issue and embrace climate change even though the climate change religion is destroying the world. They don’t have the balls to just straight up say it’s a scam. Any rino who is unwilling to stand up for reality needs to be primaried and replaced.