I wasn’t going to rant about the FDA going after De Santis because I assume you all know it. But I decided that there is a much more serious issue here.

As much as the left stream media wanted to claim Trump turned the federal bureaucracy into a nazi facist state. Totally false. However even Obama, although he may actually be the one doing it, has to take his hat off to Biden for totally politicizing every federal agency. He has made DOJ and the FBI his Gestapo, although given Joe’s past the KKK would be a more accurate analogy.

And now he is using the FDA to punish his political opponents. Today or maybe yesterday the FDA basically outlawed the use of monoclonal antibodies in Florida. Not because they had any evidence to support their mandate but basically because De Santis was using them and they were successful and Biden’s bullshit was failing. So we have to stop what’s successful because it proves that they are wrong.

According to the FDA their nonexistent studies indicate that these treatments are ineffective. Their supposed reason is that people shouldn’t be given things that work because we have vaccines that don’t. The ultimate comeback from the governor’s office is that most Floridians are vaccinated and most of the people in the hospitals from Covid are vaccinated.

I just don’t understand how Biden et al continue to want to force vaccines when all the evidence says they not only don’t work but actually increase your likelihood of getting omicron. This is insanity.