Monthly Archives: November 2021


On the Rittenhouse case, his mother told Hannity that Biden defamed her son. Now most of you probably don’t think you can sue a sitting President and I’m not sure how that would really play out, but here’s what you need to understand. When Magoo made his defamatory statements, he wasn’t president or even a senator. He was a private citizen and I hope Kyle sues the hell out of him and all the media idiots who slandered him.


I reluctantly drove home from Florida today and obviously made it. But here’s what I observed. At least on I-95 there was no shortage of 18 wheelers. There was no difference than any other time I have made the drive. To be fair there were many billboards advertising for drivers, including one offering a $6000 signing bonus so there is clearly a shortage but it appears to me that it’s a west coast problem where all the ships with cheap shit from China are waiting to be unloaded and trucked. Maybe that’s why I haven’t seen empty shelves here or in Florida on anything I needed.

On the other hand, I have made two trips to Florida in the past two months. On the first one I was delayed going down by about 45 minutes because an 18 wheeler ran into an overpass and on the way back I was delayed almost three hours, including at one point being stopped completely for two hours, because another 18 wheeler ran into an overpass. This trip I fortunately made it down without incident but unfortunately on the way back today I also was delayed because of an 18 wheeler accident. I don’t know if it was one or two but when I finally got to it what I saw wreckage that appeared to be not only horribly twisted but also burned.

Now what you ask is my point? Truckers just like air traffic controllers have rules to keep them from driving to long without breaks. However given the shortage of drivers and this administration being taken to task for the supply chain problem do you think that maybe this administration would look the other way to try to prop up Magoo? And do any of you believe that drivers who were offered big bonuses to ignore the regulations wouldn’t do so?

Now in a salute to Rom Emmanuel’s never fail to exploit a disaster, there are Dems trying to get to let 18 year Mexicans get visa to drive our trucks. Just another attempt to destroy our immigration and internal laws and rules. They will use any excuse to try to change the makeup of our voters.


Just a shout to all veterans who read my nonsense. Thank you for your service!

As I’ve mentioned before, I am not a veteran because I won the original draft lottery. However, my father parachuted into Omaha Beach on D-Day and my brother was a navigator in the Air Force in Vietnam. Thanks for keeping us safe and pray that Magoo doesn’t destroy it all.


Two things. First I watched some of it today but couldn’t take too much because it was annoying and tedious and largely meaningless. The prosecution can’t undo it’s epic failure last week and asking irrelevant questions doesn’t help. It was established by the prosecution’s own witnesses that Kyle was not the attacker but the attackee, if that’s even a word and if it isn’t then it is now and you an credit it to me in the OAE, and that he didn’t shoot the last guy until he pointed his pistol at Kyle and then the guy who was beating him over the head with a skateboard and the first guy who said fuck you and lunged for his rifle. And video corroborated it. I don’t know why they put Kyle on the stand because I don’t see what he could add and could really only hurt the case if he said something stupid. The prosecutor asked Kyle why he didn’t call 911 when he went to help put out a fire. Really, the entire fucking town of Kenosha was on fire asshole!

What it really did was give the prosecution a chance to ask outrageous and unconstitutional questions in the hope that they could get the defense to ask for a mistrial so they could try again in the future. And the defense did that but the judge could rule not only that there is a mistrial but that because it was required because the prosecution intentionally provoked it to get a second chance, he could dismiss it with prejudice and prevent it from being tried again under double jeopardy considerations.

The second thing is never piss off your judge. It is not going to go well for you if you’re dealing with real judges in a real courtroom and you could end up in jail. Watch My Cousin Vinny to see how that works, a great movie, and you would be surprised to know how often various parts of that movie were played during ABA Litigation presentations. Now I prefaced that with dealing with real judges. The same isn’t necessarily true with administrative litigation. They don’t have contempt powers and you just have to read them and decide whether or not you can push them and frequently you can because they don’t want to be embarrassed. I once had a hearing in front of three judge panel where the head judge was a lawyer and the other two were scientists or engineers. At any rate during my examination of a witness on either statistical analysis or multiple regression analysis, two subjects that I was quite knowledgeable about back in the day, this one supposed expert judge said he wished he could leave the bench and testify and I said please do their is nothing I would like more and that was the last time he opened his mouth for the rest of the hearing. BTW I won.

Now for a little fun. You know how I recently put up a rant about 95% of litigators not being good at their job. Well guess what many are successful because 95% of the time they’ve going up against equally bad litigators. It’s a battle of wits between unarmed opponents and if you’re even a little bit better than most you can have a great career.


I know you know that I have said Biden was in the bottom ten percent of his law class at Syracuse but I don’t believe I’ve mentioned that he was while a senator a professor teaching constitutional law at the university of Delaware law school. How does a lucky to graduate law school become a law professor? Politics is the only possible answer and pity his poor students because if there’s one thing he has demonstrated it’s that he doesn’t know anything about the constitution.

Law professors are typically law review and order of the coif not bottom of the barrel scraping morons.


As I’m certain you know the FBI raided James O’Keefe at dawn by a bunch of FBI stormtroopers, shades of Roger Stone, over apparently his having a copy of Magoo’s daughter’s diary which there are questions about being stolen or left at a previous address. Neither matters legally because O’Keefe didn’t steal it and in fact a year ago decided not to publish it because it couldn’t be verified and turned it over to authorities. Also even if it was stolen, that’s not a federal criminal matter. It would be a misdemeanor under state law and not within the jurisdiction of the FBI.

The question being asked on Fox is why now a year after he had turned it over and deep sixed the story did Magoo’s Gestapo decide to raid. They seem to have no clue but luckily you get my twisted insights. The FBI confiscated O’Keefe’s two iPhones which he said contained information on sources and stories being worked on and donor data. I believe that Magoo’s worried about what else they might have about this administration and to put the fear of god into any journalist who would deign to put out damaging information about this administration. The FBI is Biden’s Gestapo.


I have heard from one person I had hoped would respond because he was an air traffic controller and that is the one group I had considered adding to my list and he indicated as I would have thought that yes it required 100% concentration but only for two hours and then with a mandatory 30 minute break. And I don’t doubt that the same concentration was necessary but the difference is that in a trial you don’t get a mandatory break. You have to do it all day. And I truly believe that air traffic controllers have a very stressful job and I support them. It is a very difficult and stressful job particularly when shit happens. I can’t imagine what that was like it 9/11. I know then that they experienced total concentration for hours or days on end and I’m happy to add them to my list.


I should have done this a couple days ago when I first heard it. As you know that even though I had a Harvard Fellowship and attended Harvard summer law programs I didn’t understand how Harvard Law came up with critical race theory and then I heard a couple of days ago how it came about. After MLK called for a color blind society, some of these race baiters didn’t want that. They wanted to continue to profit off the race scam so they invented CRT so they could remain relevant. It is and always was a scam to enrich the race baiters.