What I learned today, because as I’ve said I didn’t watch the testimony much in the Rittenhouse case because I found it mostly boring and tedious, is that the jurors don’t know the rap sheets of dirtbag one two or three. Now I should have realized this because you can’t try the victim in a case, although there is a serious question about who the victim is. Remember for example in a rape case you can no longer bring out that the victim was a prostitute or sexually promiscuous. I say no longer because for years that was a staple of defense attorneys representing rapists. She was asking for it. Fortunately the law now prevents it as it should. We want to make sure that cases are decided on the facts and not past actions.

Now I should have realized this but I didn’t because when I watched wrap ups at night, they always talked about the despicable pasts of the supposed victims. Dirtbag one Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist who sodomized several boys between the ages of 9 and 11 both anally and orally.

He had just gotten out of a mental institution on the day in question but the jurors don’t know.

And the ultimate scumbag Binger was careful not to discuss piety et cetera during the testimony because that would have allowed the defense to put in evidence all the bad shit they had done. No he waited to call them heroes until closing arguments when the evidence was closed and the defense couldn’t put it in. This guy needs to be disbarred and sued. I saw an article that compared him to the Duke lacrosse prosecutor who eventually ended up bankrupt and in jail. Let’s hope.

Finally I believe the verdict will come down tomorrow because the jury is not going to want to have this continue over the weekend.